Monday, September 13, 2010


School was pretty chill today. I had an assembly, and missed an entire block of math > <
Photography is so boring. But, whatevs.

Next block, I had biology. So chill! We just made boats of tinfoil, and put them in tanks of water. After that, somebody would put pennies in it. AHHAHAHA! We had to use everything seen bellow. We did not just tape random shiz in our boat (partnered project).

A candle was lit, so when your boat went down the candle would go out too.

Our boat carried the most pennies. F*CKYEAH B| People with the most, and least sturdy boats got lollies HERPDERP. I didn't want mine, so I gave then to Lana. She likes sweets, so it was a thoughtful donation >D

TIRED g'night


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