Thursday, March 31, 2011

One depressing monitor

It rather late in the evening right now (or early in the morning), but I felt like typing up a blog :P
I went over to my friends house today and watched two movies, Paprika and King of Thorn. Prior to today, we watched Summer Wars

Between the three movies, this is how I would rank them:

1. Summer Wars
2. Paprika
3. King of Thorn

Summer Wars
^I can't embed it T___T
My opinion may be slightly biased as this was the first movie I've viewed in a loooong time.
I wasn't paying attention 5% of the time, but this is what I believe the plot was about:

Several years into the future, everything in the world is run on this website/application called OZ. Everything from shopping to the control of street lights can be driven through that one site. However, some form of AI hacks into the system and throws the world into chaos, and it's up to the heroines to save the world.

I really liked looking at how they designed the website OZ. Everything about it looked so quirky and fun, it made me want to be part of that world. On top of that, the character design was nice. Not only were they aesthetically appealing, I didn't find myself completely disgusted with any of the characters. Although several people did questionable things, I still found them likeable at the end. Not only that, but the quirks of each character was something I found to be quite charming. The movie wasn't confusing at all, which was great for a person like myself. Summer Wars had a good clean conclusion, so I didn't find myself asking questions like "So, exactly what happened to _________?". Because of it's consistent plot, lovely visuals, and adorable characters, I've rated this one #1


Many have compared Paprika and Inception (just so you are aware, Paprika came first). Both movies involve the idea of entering/controlling another's dream. First things first, I thought the animation was amazing. All the imagery was like candy for my eyes. However, like inception, I found the movie to be kinda everywhere. In Paprika, many scenes were repeated to portray a recurring dream, but it quickly became confusing. I also feel as though the character in the movie weren't explored enough, as some identities still feel like a blur to me. Although the graphics were spectacular, the mildly confusing plot has lead me to rate this as #2.

King of Thorn

OMG Even the trailer sucks

Some type of super disease has become rampant around the world called Medusa. Just like in the legends, this disease turns you into stone. A facility has been developed in a deserted castle where a select 160(?) patients around the world have been selected to receive "special treatment". Project sleeping beauty. All the patients are to sleep in capsules for 100 years, and the disease will apparently die off or something. Somehow, after only 48 hours, all patients are awakened to find that the facility is over run by monsters. After only a few minutes, only 7 survivors are left, all infected with medusa. They all struggle to survive, and find their way out of the castle.

Ok, my patients was clearly waning when I was watching this movie. I hated the main character, the plot was impossible to follow, yet everything about it felt so cliche. This movie was based off of a manga according to my friend. She claimed that the manga is much easier to follow than the movie (except for the end). This is what she said I should do:

"I recommend that you read the manga, and watch the movie. The entire plot is clearer in the manga, however, the ending is clearer in the movie. You should combine both renditions in your head."

  • characters were ugly
  • animation was inconsistent
  • plot was inconstant
  • main character was useless (I wanted her to die, but that never happens)
  • ending meant nothing to me
I really didn't like this one.

Okay, completely irrelevant, but I melted my monitor with my lamp.

aiya..... time to get friends.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

High Cholesterol Tears

lmfao! My gunkiest breakfast ever... It looks so unappealing! Oh well, it tasted pretty good. It's just a mash up of cheese, boiled egg, and bacon (: I accidentally burnt the bun though. My ability to cook isn't that far up on the scale.

Today, I went to the mall with one of my friends. There wasn't anywhere I wanted to go, i just wanted to get out of the house. Honestly, I felt like a kid, because I just wanted somebody to be with me. Throughout the day, I grazed over the idea of how I selfishly dragged my friend out to spend a gorgeous day with somebody like me. Inevitably, my guilt began to build up.

What right do I have to take anybody's freedom?

With ever step I took, I struggled to keep the well of tears from overflowing. Every instant she was preoccupied with something else, I secretly wiped away the tears. It was so difficult.
We sat down in a food court and routinely pulled out our drawing utensils. I was at my breaking point, but I didn't want to cry. Here I am, sitting among the general public. In my mind, I told my self, "Don't cry. This will be far too embarrassing. You're okay". However, I clearly wasn't okay. A droplet was about to fall from my eye, so I brought my finger to guide the tear away from my cheeks (where everybody would see it). Ever so quickly, the tear I had just removed was replaced with another. I couldn't keep up with it, and hid my face in the crook of my arm. After lowering it back down, she looked up and saw my swollen eyes, and fiery red nose. She offered me a tissue and said I could talk about it if I wanted to. At that instant, I wanted to apologize for embarrassing her, and for forcing her to spend time with me, but I had enough trouble mumbling the words "Thank you" for the tissue she had given me. After a few minutes of cool down time, she asked if I wanted to go home. I want to go to a home where I feel wanted.


Monday, March 21, 2011



I was cleaning my room when I realized it was almost my birthday. Not something that I expect too many people to remember, but I know it will be all the more insignificant this year. When my birthday comes around, I will arrive to school and find a barren gray locker. No cute illustrations, streamers, or crafts will created for me, receiving gifts will be nothing beyond a thought, and I couldn't even imagine having a cute boy say happy birthday to me this year. Not to say I deserve it or anything, seeing as how I didn't really put the world's greatest effort into trying to be like "them", but it hurts. If I'm lucky, maybe that won't be the case, and my locker will be decorated with the words happy b-day. Although, I'd rather brace myself for the worst while hoping for the best.

Please excuse me for being so cliche! But honestly, I've been feeling a lot better. It's spring break now, so I have 2 weeks to spend with people I actually love.

I have a formspring just in case any of you didn't know. Try not to leave anything nasty (although I'm partly expecting it 'cause it's formspring).

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm a big sister/ Pray for Japan

My mum just had the baby on March 12. It's a baby girl, and she's really cute. She cries whenever she isn't held in somebody's arms haha!

And Japan is in my thoughts. If you've been living in a cave for the past few days, a 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan with strong aftershocks on average of 7 magnitude. On top of that, a huge tsunami caused severe damage. Help with donations if you can, and if you can't, please spread the word!

Some videos from YTers on the topic of Japan's earthquake.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been spending a lot of time alone

I've been spending a lot of time alone
so I've spent it wandering around the neighborhood.
Sometimes we forget the small things that
can keep us happy.

I left my circle of lunch "buddies" at school. Let's face it, I was never particularly close with them. Sitting with them just made me feel more unwanted, and more like a nuisance.

It's the small things, like whispering when I'm sitting like there, getting shutting up when I swing around, and leaving when I turn my back. It's painful.

Perhaps it was a dumb decision, but I decided to ask one of the girls if she was angry at me. The reason for my questioning, is because she often replies to all of my questions with a grunt. During smart talk I try to spark up, she often walks away from. Whenever I say "Hi", she barely glances over, and instead ignores me to speak with somebody else. At the time I questioned her, she was playing on an iPhone she borrowed from another student in our math class.

"Dude, are you angry at me or something?" "...."
She never replied to my question that class, which lead my to believe that she couldn't have cared more about what I thought. It wasn't until later that evening that she messaged me on MSN to apologize for any misunderstandings. And that the only reason she didn't say anything, was due to the fact that she was so engrossed in her game.

Excuse me for over analyzing things, but if she was a friend and had any concern over how I felt, she would have spoken to me sometime within the 20 minute time span between when I asked her, to the time the bell rang. It gave me a new perspective on which people are my friends, and which are not.

For now, we'll call the girl Mary to avoid confusion.

Mary hangs out with one of the girls who I used to go to elementary school with, we'll call her Jade. To be completely honest, the only time I've spent out of school with Jade is during the school projects, and on walks home from school. Both of which are obligated meetings. I've never fit in to their circle, as I don't spend my days watching drama.

Sometimes I feel as though the only reason Jade hangs out with Mary, is because Mary showers her with gifts. At the same time, I feel like Mary only hangs out with Jade, because she wants to be like her. It's kinda like how Veronica follows Trixie in Fairly Oddparents. It might be presumptuous for me to think that, but that is what it looks like to me. Enough of my rambling! On wards to the photos >D