Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been spending a lot of time alone

I've been spending a lot of time alone
so I've spent it wandering around the neighborhood.
Sometimes we forget the small things that
can keep us happy.

I left my circle of lunch "buddies" at school. Let's face it, I was never particularly close with them. Sitting with them just made me feel more unwanted, and more like a nuisance.

It's the small things, like whispering when I'm sitting like there, getting shutting up when I swing around, and leaving when I turn my back. It's painful.

Perhaps it was a dumb decision, but I decided to ask one of the girls if she was angry at me. The reason for my questioning, is because she often replies to all of my questions with a grunt. During smart talk I try to spark up, she often walks away from. Whenever I say "Hi", she barely glances over, and instead ignores me to speak with somebody else. At the time I questioned her, she was playing on an iPhone she borrowed from another student in our math class.

"Dude, are you angry at me or something?" "...."
She never replied to my question that class, which lead my to believe that she couldn't have cared more about what I thought. It wasn't until later that evening that she messaged me on MSN to apologize for any misunderstandings. And that the only reason she didn't say anything, was due to the fact that she was so engrossed in her game.

Excuse me for over analyzing things, but if she was a friend and had any concern over how I felt, she would have spoken to me sometime within the 20 minute time span between when I asked her, to the time the bell rang. It gave me a new perspective on which people are my friends, and which are not.

For now, we'll call the girl Mary to avoid confusion.

Mary hangs out with one of the girls who I used to go to elementary school with, we'll call her Jade. To be completely honest, the only time I've spent out of school with Jade is during the school projects, and on walks home from school. Both of which are obligated meetings. I've never fit in to their circle, as I don't spend my days watching drama.

Sometimes I feel as though the only reason Jade hangs out with Mary, is because Mary showers her with gifts. At the same time, I feel like Mary only hangs out with Jade, because she wants to be like her. It's kinda like how Veronica follows Trixie in Fairly Oddparents. It might be presumptuous for me to think that, but that is what it looks like to me. Enough of my rambling! On wards to the photos >D

I've been loitering about peoples backyards during my free block,
and it's quite a treasure hunt to see what people have.
Somebody had built a whirligig from scratch . . .

They had quite the impressive
collection of odd parts.

Technology is developing so quickly. I was reading an article written by a member of the fellow student body on how tech is consuming our life styles. My English teacher had also brought up a similar idea during class.

Just a couple years ago, conversations would go on undisturbed(unless some rude mofo
came along). But now, when we hear the talking device sound, conversations made face to face stop as we attend to our phones.
So what's disposable? Technology, or people?

Although I hoped it would never come, required reading inevitably arrived. My English class was assigned to read The Midwich Cuckoos (film adaptation: The Village of the Damned). Some students took possession to new copies, others held books that hadn't been issued since 1987. Routinely, everybody flipped through their novel once it reached their hands. The boy who sat behind me didn't find the summary, but a creepy note.

He was one of the few students who got an old copy, and sandwiched behind the the last few pages was a love note . . . with exactly his name on it.


My little cousin.
Don't be deceived by that smile.
He hates me

Cuttle fish chips <3

I haven't changed much. My spelling still sucks.

I talked to a hobo today (he actually doesn't
look that homeless). I was wondering what he was doing.

Fishing for change. I thought it was clever, so I gave him $1
(sorry it's out of focus)

peace out FOTHER MUCKER >D


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