Thursday, March 24, 2011

High Cholesterol Tears

lmfao! My gunkiest breakfast ever... It looks so unappealing! Oh well, it tasted pretty good. It's just a mash up of cheese, boiled egg, and bacon (: I accidentally burnt the bun though. My ability to cook isn't that far up on the scale.

Today, I went to the mall with one of my friends. There wasn't anywhere I wanted to go, i just wanted to get out of the house. Honestly, I felt like a kid, because I just wanted somebody to be with me. Throughout the day, I grazed over the idea of how I selfishly dragged my friend out to spend a gorgeous day with somebody like me. Inevitably, my guilt began to build up.

What right do I have to take anybody's freedom?

With ever step I took, I struggled to keep the well of tears from overflowing. Every instant she was preoccupied with something else, I secretly wiped away the tears. It was so difficult.
We sat down in a food court and routinely pulled out our drawing utensils. I was at my breaking point, but I didn't want to cry. Here I am, sitting among the general public. In my mind, I told my self, "Don't cry. This will be far too embarrassing. You're okay". However, I clearly wasn't okay. A droplet was about to fall from my eye, so I brought my finger to guide the tear away from my cheeks (where everybody would see it). Ever so quickly, the tear I had just removed was replaced with another. I couldn't keep up with it, and hid my face in the crook of my arm. After lowering it back down, she looked up and saw my swollen eyes, and fiery red nose. She offered me a tissue and said I could talk about it if I wanted to. At that instant, I wanted to apologize for embarrassing her, and for forcing her to spend time with me, but I had enough trouble mumbling the words "Thank you" for the tissue she had given me. After a few minutes of cool down time, she asked if I wanted to go home. I want to go to a home where I feel wanted.



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