Thursday, March 31, 2011

One depressing monitor

It rather late in the evening right now (or early in the morning), but I felt like typing up a blog :P
I went over to my friends house today and watched two movies, Paprika and King of Thorn. Prior to today, we watched Summer Wars

Between the three movies, this is how I would rank them:

1. Summer Wars
2. Paprika
3. King of Thorn

Summer Wars
^I can't embed it T___T
My opinion may be slightly biased as this was the first movie I've viewed in a loooong time.
I wasn't paying attention 5% of the time, but this is what I believe the plot was about:

Several years into the future, everything in the world is run on this website/application called OZ. Everything from shopping to the control of street lights can be driven through that one site. However, some form of AI hacks into the system and throws the world into chaos, and it's up to the heroines to save the world.

I really liked looking at how they designed the website OZ. Everything about it looked so quirky and fun, it made me want to be part of that world. On top of that, the character design was nice. Not only were they aesthetically appealing, I didn't find myself completely disgusted with any of the characters. Although several people did questionable things, I still found them likeable at the end. Not only that, but the quirks of each character was something I found to be quite charming. The movie wasn't confusing at all, which was great for a person like myself. Summer Wars had a good clean conclusion, so I didn't find myself asking questions like "So, exactly what happened to _________?". Because of it's consistent plot, lovely visuals, and adorable characters, I've rated this one #1


Many have compared Paprika and Inception (just so you are aware, Paprika came first). Both movies involve the idea of entering/controlling another's dream. First things first, I thought the animation was amazing. All the imagery was like candy for my eyes. However, like inception, I found the movie to be kinda everywhere. In Paprika, many scenes were repeated to portray a recurring dream, but it quickly became confusing. I also feel as though the character in the movie weren't explored enough, as some identities still feel like a blur to me. Although the graphics were spectacular, the mildly confusing plot has lead me to rate this as #2.

King of Thorn

OMG Even the trailer sucks

Some type of super disease has become rampant around the world called Medusa. Just like in the legends, this disease turns you into stone. A facility has been developed in a deserted castle where a select 160(?) patients around the world have been selected to receive "special treatment". Project sleeping beauty. All the patients are to sleep in capsules for 100 years, and the disease will apparently die off or something. Somehow, after only 48 hours, all patients are awakened to find that the facility is over run by monsters. After only a few minutes, only 7 survivors are left, all infected with medusa. They all struggle to survive, and find their way out of the castle.

Ok, my patients was clearly waning when I was watching this movie. I hated the main character, the plot was impossible to follow, yet everything about it felt so cliche. This movie was based off of a manga according to my friend. She claimed that the manga is much easier to follow than the movie (except for the end). This is what she said I should do:

"I recommend that you read the manga, and watch the movie. The entire plot is clearer in the manga, however, the ending is clearer in the movie. You should combine both renditions in your head."

  • characters were ugly
  • animation was inconsistent
  • plot was inconstant
  • main character was useless (I wanted her to die, but that never happens)
  • ending meant nothing to me
I really didn't like this one.

Okay, completely irrelevant, but I melted my monitor with my lamp.

aiya..... time to get friends.



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