Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just wonder

Before I start this entry, please vote for me m(u__u)m

Please like the photo bellow. I'm not a particularly popular person, so I don't bank on winning this, but hey! Why not, right?

Sometimes I just sit there and wonder. I wonder about the simple things that are a part of my existence.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder

why is my room such a mess?
Where did all of my money go?
Who is reading my blog?
How did I manage 1.5k hits last month?
Why is "CASIO :D" The most popular post even though it was posted in October?
How many people have I pissed off?
What are good marketing techniques that I can use?
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
How do some youtubers manage to update their channels so frequently?
Are there keyloggers on my computer?
How did I become so paranoid?
How to eBay users make money when they always offer free shipping?
What if I'm not "normal"?
Who are my friends?
Do I have friends?
What made me grow up thinking people could be "disposable"?
What is cool?
How far should I go to change myself is search of acceptance?
What is acceptance?
How many more days are there until summer break?
Do they love me too?
Is there anybody who loves me too?
Do they read my blog?
How much money does it take to buy her friendship?
How many hours does it take to buy her friendship?
How many lies does it take to buy her friendship?
Can I afford that?
Is she worth my time?
Are any of them worth my time?
Is this why I don't have friends at school?
Should I start being more like them and less like "me"?
Is Dream High like a Korean version of Glee?
Why is that show so popular? 2PM?
Would they every let me hold their hand?
why don't I ever get ear wax?
What makes my nose so oily?
Why does she never listen?
Why can't she just trust me?
Why does she never leaves me alone?
Why can't she just fucking listen?
Why does mom make me so fucking angry?
Why can't I have a lock on my door so she doesn't have to bug me 24/7?
Why has it always been so goddamn hard to communicate with her?
Why does she always make me repeat myself?
Why does she make me cry by showing she doesn't trust me?
Why do I always second guess myself?
Who am I?
Is this how things always were?
"How do you know if she likes you?"
Why did they ask me that?
Do I look like I'm experienced in romance?
Why aren't I doing my homework?
What makes a person qualify as gay?
Have I been reading too much yaoi?
Is it normal for me to question my sexuality?
Why is teenage life such a roller coaster ride?

That's what I wonder.


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