Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Worry wart

I often worry that the wrong people from school are reading my blog. Silly, isn't it? I've intentionally made it public, but I can't help but fear.

Why don't you keep posts private?

The reason I blog and vlog is because in my heart, I am convinced that nobody wants to listen to me. Through the convenience of the Internet, I can reach thousands of people. Excuse me for repeating myself, but on the Internet, people have the option of listening to what I have to say. In real life, I feel like I'm giving people hell by speaking my mind.

If anybody from school is reading this... er... hey! Yes, I'm the awkward girl at school with short hair. LOL I don't think any of my underclassmen look up to me. I HOPE THEY DON'T. I'M NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE!

Thank you to everybody who has been reading my blog, and genuinely following me. I remember last year I made a silly video (OH LORDY) and it got way to many views from the student body. Hopefully at least 80% of you guys aren't here to ridicule me and my current situation.

And if you are here simply because you are happy to see me down, I'm sorry. I apologize for being bitter towards you.

I'm also sorry glaring at anybody in the hallway (although I normally avoid eye contact). I'm paranoid about so many things, and you can say I have trust issues.

Time to work on poetry. Maybe I'll post something up soon! And I'm sorry for the lack of photos in recent entries, I don't really want to get my but out of my chair~ On top of that, I haven't been carrying my camera around very much.



Anonymous said...

There's more than one way to be impressive, PK. Anyone who looks up to you is not wrong.

Kitoru said...

So... I've been creeping your youtube and blogspot this night and I like you... LOL.

I actually gradded from your school this year and we used to have the same PE block.. and although I never cared for any attendees younger than me, your short, blonde hair bouncing ahead of me caught my attention. Saw you again in Superstore a few days ago...

A few years back some peers of mine talked about a girl on youtube by the name PrincessKahara bashing the LDP program and I never really bothered searching the account until recently. It was relevant 'cause I was in the LDP program xD

Never got to see the aforementioned vid, but I'm sure most of what you said about the program was true.. it was over glorified xD

iono, whateves... i admire your style, your editing skills, iono LOL

I wonder if I ever caught your eye..

Shiee... I sound like such a creeper o.e;

Erm... I don't know how to make this sound less creepy o.e:;

Iono, I guess I'm bored with life, and you're interesting... Aish.. If ever you wanna get a restraining order I'm Tanya Grace on fb xD

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