Friday, February 11, 2011

At the mall again.

I went with my mom to the mall, and she bought a stroller for the baby. It was a really big box, and we asked this guy who worked there to carry it ALL the way across the mall. I felt kind of bad for him ;___;

I couldn't help but notice that there were these Ugg styles boots sold with boys' outfits for little kids. You rarely ever see boy who've gone through puberty in Uggs!

Afterward, my mom and I went to A&W to get teen burgers. OMG, they are so good~ Their burgers don't taste mass produced like certain other fast food chains. They should pay me for saying this >__>

Before leaving, I wanted to go to the dollar store to pick up white poster board. They didn't have any =___= I bought a new mug though. It's really big, so I can use it as a bowl too. It's all that and a bag of chips B|

They already had a bunch of Easter stuff put up, and my mom bought some lollies. There were marshmallow ones, but she didn't buy them. I'll post pictures up soon (:

I also found these mugs kinda funny. I WANT THEM ALL OTL

My mom said she need to buy rice wine, so we went to the liquor store. It would have smelled completely fine inside if it weren't for the homeless man who loitered about. I thought the bottle of sake was cute, so I took a picture of it. I can't stand alcohol, but it's so PURDY.



Anonymous said...

i LOVE your blog entries, keep it up! no sarcasm :)

Princess Kahara said...

Thanks, hun (:

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