Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I filmed that on my digicam, but I could hear my friend very well at the time. When I arrived home, and moved all of my photos to my hardrive, I heard her utter . . . the above. IT WAS SO FUNNY THOUGH LOLOL. I bursted out laughing, and I felt that it was necessary to share it with everybody else.

We were drawing in an Asian mall, because we're cool like that. She wanted to get a new drawing book, because the sketchbook she had was from the dollar store. In search of nice stationary, we found notebooks with grammatical nonsense instead... it just came to my attention that the dog might just have a really Shitty name; Let.

Sabs got the hunger, so we went to Candyland. I swear to god, they have a Candyland in EVERY Asian mall that exists. They always carry interesting stuff, and this particular CL had packets of Nutella ♥ I WANT THAT INSIDE OF MEEEEEEEEEE

I also enjoyed the packaging for the Super Lemon candies. POP ART ★  They also had this funny sign that said 3 for . . . . It was so cute ;___;

This is cute too. Why is everything so adorable? σ △ σ;;

This isn't cute, but a new Forever21 opened in RC this weekend. They gave out $21 gift cards to the first 300 customers who were at the door during their grand opening. Honestly, the only way I think anybody would wait in line for a mear $21 giftcard is because:

1. They live 5 minutes away from the mall, and wouldn't mind waiting.
2. They are a see lai and automatically want free shit.
3. They are an unemployed LG who thinks that waiting in line from 6am is SOOO worth it.
4. They are homeless.
5. They have no life.

Sorry to anybody who went, but if you actually went, and waited in the morning, I'm really disappointed in you! $21 is not worth my time. Especially if it's limited to being spent at one store ;;>____>

I love empty trains.This is A-tard's new water bottle. Isn't it interesting? It's like a Koolaids Jammer pack, but reusable! I guess she got a new one, because her old water bottle was REALLY dented. Hey, you can't dent a plastic bag, so I guess that's why she got it. LOLOLOL.

My dad found a camera (Yashica auto focus motor) back in October, but I never posted it. I still don't get how it "auto-focuses". I never hear anything moving inside . . . It's like monkey magic or something.

I only got one hour of sleep last night, and I wasn't even working on homework. I wasn't feeling depressed either, in fact, I felt very content with my life. ↑ That's how I keep my diary entries. OMG.. The last part is so CHEESY. Anyhow, that's how I spend my evening = =  I'm such a loser /SOBS

My happiness sank a little bit when I got to my locker today. A part of me felt so defeated, but I had a good day (:

"You can't always change those around you,
but you can always change yourself."

A goofy smile is something that I need to do for me.

much love


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