Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbye mid years

After exams, I went to the mall, because I'm a mall rat. This is what I do. I was really tired, so I ordered a cup of coffee from McD's.
"Double, double please"
My tongue cannot handle hot food, so I walked around as I let my drink cool down. When I took my first sip, it wasn't sweet at all, so I figured they forgot to add any sugar. I didn't want to walk all the way back to the opposite side of the mall for a packet of sugar, so I drank it as is. I tried to savour my last sip when I was hit by this tsunami of sugary awfulness. Tell me why my coffee wasn't stirred.

Stripes are a trend now. If you walk into F21, it looks like oceans of lined paper.
Speaking of F21, I got package from them HAHAHAH YESSS! I'll share tomorrow if I have time, but it looks like I won't. Technically today, but you know what I mean. It's going to be the first day that everyone is my family will have a day off!

See those shoes? I want them. IRL, they are a light taupe colour. I like how they are lines with this floral print, and they only cost $12! I found these at Urban Planet; The one stop LG shop.

Rambling: I would have bought them, but then I remembered how I haven't been dressing particularly girly recently. The only shoes I've been wearing are my sneakers and working boots (is that what the style is called?). I really had to use the washroom while I was at the mall today, and it felt kinda awkward going into the washroom. Clearly, I'm a girl, but I was paranoid about people JUDGING ME FOR NOT LOOKING LIKE THE GENERIC IMAGE OF A FEMALE.
However, I have no regrets about cutting my hair.
In fact, I don't want it to grow out (;; ’ △ ‘) Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my skin sometimes?

It was really cold today, but I felt like taking snapshots in my front yard. I call this Rock, Grass and Leaves.


I know what you're thinking: What the freak am I looking at? I don't really know, but it looks cool. I have this obsession with the formations formed in frozen dirt. I want to post more of that tomorrow as well. HAHAH! Mom says it looks gross, but I think it looks like an underground, crystalline utopia. You can see rocks suspended by the ice.

Here's a video about how my exams went down. You can just listen to it as background noise or something:

Much love


Anonymous said...

Silly Hime, you walked around waiting for the coffee to cool down, during such period of time, the sugar sank to the bottom of your cup~!

Princess Kahara said...

I'm pretty sure if they stirred it, it would have dissolved into the coffee D:

Anonymous said...

I've watched a bunch of your recent videos and you seem really down. We don't know each other and we've never spoken before because I'm older but I've seen you around school(I promise that I'm a girl). Honestly, I think you're gorgeous no matter what the length or the colour of your hair is or whether you're wearing make up or none at all. I know this is really cliche advice coming from anonymous but don't let anyone's comments bring you down because what you're doing is what you prefer and what makes you most comfortable. Focus inward and trust what you know to be true about yourself. Highschool can be hard, I think that's something that most people understand but it can also be fun when you find the right group of people you're comfortable around. I wish I could talk to you if it weren't so creepy and awkward but I really hope you find someone to talk to.

Princess Kahara said...

Thank you, anon (:

Sometimes I feel like there just aren't enough days off school for spending time with those somebodies.

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