Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Function notation, not the Korean girl band. I'm talking about math if you still haven't gotten the point. I'm procrastinating, so I'll try to keep this as quick as possible.

I woke up this morning to the drumming of heavy rain. While brushing my teeth in the washroom, I looked up in the mirror only to find a raccoon glaring back at me. The all nighter I pulled the night before finally took it's toll on me, and I felt as if every part of me was crippled. To hide away my gruesome dark eye circles, I routinely painted on my concealer and got dressed.

After arriving at school, I sluggishly shuffled over to my English room. The trip from my locker to the classroom quickly felt meaningless. Soon after the the school bell rang, My class was dismissed from our daily poetry studies, and sent to the auditorium. Course planning. Half of the school year has already passed? Although I was oblivious to this fact, course planning came inevitably. The students from my English class (and only my English class) sat in the cavernous auditorium, which, today, seemed larger than usual.

Everybody wrestled to keep their eyes opened. Each student sat with an empty gaze while our counselor presented the information. Regardless that the discussion was important to my future, numerous times, I found myself almost falling asleep. During the brief moments I felt awake, my attention was stolen by the colourful screen saver on the projection. Don't be surprised if I don't graduate.

What I actually wanted to talk about was math class. We studies f(x) today. Our teacher reqested that each student write an example on a scrap piece of paper.

(dependent variable) is a function of (independent variable)

A simple example would be: Distance is a function of time.

After everybody finished scribing down something written in that format, our teacher asked us to crumple the paper up. For obvious reasons, the students were apprehensive or destroying fresh work, myself included. Our teacher reassured us to do so, and asked that the balls of paper, be thrown at her. Snowball-like papers flew to the front of the room. Others went racing at the faces of other students. hahahaha!

My teacher collected the papers are read them out loud. Some examples were simple, others were philosophical, and one in particular melted my heart.

- "My happiness is a function of the
amount of time I spend with the girl I like"

Please check out my shop (:

Time for me to slave over a project now.


anon said...

Yay math!

You're a romantic, PK. Maybe a hopeless case. Welcome to the club :)

Sleep deprivation is not good, really not good. So get some sleep and dream sweet dreams.

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