Monday, February 14, 2011


I actually wasn't alone on Valentines Day :) Instead of grumpily sitting at home, I went out with one of my best buds (I'll call her Sabs this entry, cause I know she hates it). It was nice to laugh about stupid shit again, and inevitably, I felt the day was too short. Although I had a lot of fun goofing off, I felt very tired and sleepy. For some odd reason, the motherfucking sandman doesn't like to visit me early in the night. . .

My friend had to return something today, so we went to RC instead of Metro. Within the first minute of loitering in the mall, I spotted a familiar face. This isn't a common occurrence seeing as how RC is quite the journey away from my neighborhood. However, this wasn't a face from high school, it was a face from summer school.


I haven't seen him in ages! If it weren't for his awkward little waddle, I would have unknowingly strutted right past him. When I realised it was actually Danjew (Daniel), I paused for split second to say "Hey". I didn't stand around to chat, because I noticed my friend, Sabs had already teleported to the other side of the hall.

Her quick travel wasn't due to the fact she didn't notice me saying hi to Danjew, it was because Sabs was trying to avoid him hahaha. I think Danjew confessed his love to Sabs or some shit, and everything is all awkward. Should I be posting this? I don't think neither one of them follow my blog, nor do any mutual friends. SAFE?! I think it's cute, although it's like a cat and dog relationship. . . still cute.

Oh shit. Just had a 4 day long weekend and I don't even know what classes I have tomorrow. I'm not going to promise picture tomorrow, because I never do that. Instead, I will promise pics soon.


are you guys still lurking, or do those particular posts just happen to be popular?

And I would just like to repeat this once more: I'm sorry for offending any of my readers. The frontal cortex of my brain is still developing, and very often, my selection of words isn't very bright. From that, you'll find that I seem like a rather bitchy person from my blog posts. Not to say I'm not a bitch, but aren't we all from time to time?


I hate text messages, emails, and IMs. It's lovely how convenient they are, but I feel like true meaning and emotions can be lost behind uniform text. Although it isn't always possible to meet up face to face, I enjoy phone calls along with hand written letters/notes. (: Something about them feels so much more honest. Nowadays, I don't write in my diary too much. If I ever do, there are probably secrets pounding inside of my head asking to be let out. Maybe that's why I have this association between handwritten things along with honesty.

During my childhood, I spend a lot of my summer chatting on the phone with a classmates who only lived 3 blocks away. You might be wondering why we didn't just meet up face to face. Although it was only a measly 3 block distance, our families didn't like us going out very often. As 7 year old girls, cell phones weren't a common object, and I (only I) had no access to the internet. We would all spend our time after school chatting over the phone, creating characters as we made up make-believe worlds. To me, phone calls will always be genuine (with the exception of annoying telemarketing calls).

FYI, I can't sleep right now, so I thought I would post something longer today to make up for the lack of photography.

I'm gonna attempt putting my mind to sleep now. I haven't been crying myself to sleep recently, and today was a happy day.
much LOVIN'

P.S. To everybody this Valentines Day, hope you guys got l . . .

. . . lots of compliments.


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