Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stupid old computer

I'm still using my old computer, FYI. I only use the new one with 8GB of ram for video editing >___>;;

Anyhow, I won't be posting any pictures today.
I can almost guarantee there was something I wanted to say, but it clearly slipped my mind.

After sitting down in my usually seat for math, I was startled to hear somebody scream out, "Rage quitter!" It was the impossibly tall boy from my Mandarin class. If you've already forgotten, I dropped out of mandarin last week. Apparently Mr. Lau was very angry that I dropped out, because he talked to the principal. Sorry, sir, but I've already done my time! I have no intentions of majoring in a language, so why should I waste time doing this. By sitting in Mandarin class with no ambitions, it would be a waste of my time, and insulting to the teacher. At this moment, I don't know how good my stats are, but I have a feeling that Mandarin (learned in my school) won't get me too far. I want to level up in the right places T___T

I need 28 credits for electives, and I'm not sure what courses I should take. Right now, I'm thinking of taking a business course next year. Ugh... I'll have to start a grade lower though, because I didn't take any business courses yet.


Today was pink shirt day. They were giving out free pins and had a "guess how many jelly beans" raffle in the foyer of my school. I didn't even know they were holding anything there until my friend's little sister swung by with a handful of pins. There were 2 minutes before lunch time ended, so I asked if _______ wanted to go down with me.

"No. I need to study for science."
"But you said it was open book . . ."
". . . ."
"Okay. Fair enough. I'm gonna go down, see you guys later."
Faked a smile, and packed my shit up.

I was down in the foyer very briefly, but it looked like people were having fun. Why do I sit in a corner for lunch everyday? I can't help but imagine that there be some interesting parts of school that I'm missing out on. More importantly, why do I sit with people who don't care about me? I mentioned how I wanted to transfer schools today, and you know what? They couldn't have cared less. Heck, I could disappear from this school, and nobody would be concerned.

There's this girl that I sit for during lunch. If I've learned anything, it's to keep blogs exclusively about myself and maybe friends. From that, I'm gonna keep it brief and say that I don't think she likes me. She seems rather cold towards me (and several other I've seen). With that being said, I've been rather cold too recently... Maybe I've scared everybody away.
When did it become so hard to smile? To be friendly, sweet, and welcoming.
Today I'm not sad; I'm confused.

I'm a loser. LOLWUT?! Yeah. My words fumble when I speak, and I crack stupid jokes. Slowly but surely,

I've become everything that I hate.


Anonymous said...

lau is a very ragey teacher indeed... he'll forget in a weekish..

marketing 11 and accounting 11 have no prerequisites so you won't be in a grade 'lower' if that is a problem for you =)

anon said...

Thanks for sharing your poem. My favorite sonnet is Shakespeare's 116, "Let me not to the marriage of true minds..."

I have a poet friend who says poets must read. That's the official word. So read books. Lots of them.

Hang in there, PK. You have some poetry in you. You're not a loser.

Princess Kahara said...

I noticed. He raged at this kid when he didn't hand in his test, because I was still marking it. I told mr.lau it was my fault, but he yelled at the guy and said "Do you not BREATHE?!"
Thanks for the info! Cross my fingers and hope I won't be forever alone > <

Shakespeare is not my thing... way to cryptic for my simple mind HAHAH. GANGLIA

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