Monday, February 7, 2011


I feel like I lost my head. I suddenly don't know what I'm supposed to be doing anymore!

If anybody from my school is reading this, please return my pink binder if you've seen it. I just really want it back, because it would be nice to have it for studying purposed >___>;; I may have lost it, but after checking everyone of the classrooms I could have potentially left it in, and finding nothing, it's hard not to point fingers "OTL

I'm gonna keep hunting tomorrow. Cannot give up.



Junnii said...

Have you checked the places you've been to during lunch? Tried looking in the washrooms? Or even the lost and found in the office?

Princess Kahara said...

I don't tend to travel much during lunch, and the hallway I sit in is empty /SOBS
I'll take a second look at any washrooms, and check out the office again. WHY DO I KEEP LOSING STUFF?!

Junnii said...

You should write on your stuff, "reward offered when returned". Then when they return your lost item, say "thanks". Thats the reward.. lame? Yes, sorry. >_<"

Princess Kahara said...

LOL! The funny thing is, you don't expect people to ever KEEP binders. The content has no value, so you never plan on having to find it ;___;

Junnii said...

Lol, true that.

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