Saturday, February 19, 2011

Etude House Follow Me Tint SPF 13

I know I normally don't post stuff up here about makeup, but this lip tint . . . OH MY GORD, I NEED A MIND CONDOM!!! Okay, so this stuff comes in the tube a teal colour, and when you put it on your skin, it turns PINK! It's all the fun qualities of a mood ring on your lips = U =

You may already know, but I don't speak a word of Korean, so I have no idea what the above says. However, what I do know is that I want one. Buy me one, and we can be friends ;D
Just kidding, but I do want to grab myself one of these lip tints purely for the novelty value.

I had work today. Some asshole came in saying that he was unhappy with service from another branch. WHY DON'T YOU GO TO THAT BRANCH, DUMBASS. He demands a free burger, but my managers tells him to go to the other branch for any issues, and that if he wanted. He eventually pays for one of the cheapest sandwiches on the menu, and demands for one of the large entree burgers. The mans loiters around the restaurant for a good few minutes, before we called the cops to take him away.

Prior to that, he said he was "on break". I told him that if he was on "break", this place probably wasn't the best place to be spending it. "You should go on break."

"... uuh, no. (shit, son. wtf)"

He starts hitting on me, but then I was saved by the authority of the POPO!! THANK YOU AUTHORITY~


Princess Kahara said...

Yo. I bought one. Just waiting for it to come in the mail. I will do a review on this product when it arrives (:

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