Tuesday, February 8, 2011

black and white white white white

It's amost 2am, and I'm kinda hungry Q A Q

I kinda like how tired I feel right now. It's weird, but enjoyable.
p.s. Thanks, but your pep talk was *fa fa fa*. I'd rather listen to my mom bitch at me.
LOL. Definitely something I missed.

Random post tonight.


Anonymous said...

hey, i just wanted to say that i've been in the same situation as you. i hung out with people i wasn't comfortable around so i didn't speak. eventually, it got to the point where i was an annoyance. school was absolute torture. i'd go home and cry. during school mornings i would nearly throw up. i begged my parents to let me transfer. i got the transfer papers twice but for some reason i didn't decide to go through with it. i guess i wanted to give every day a chance. the people i hung out with didn't necessarily do anything to harm me. just petty little things like whisper when i was around or try to leave before i came but it was enough for me to know that i wasn't wanted.when i finally stopped hanging out with them, i began to like school again. even though i hung out alone in one of the computer rooms or art rooms or even at home during lunch, i was satisfied. it seemed so unlikely for me to find a friend then, there were already groups at the school. but eventually i gained my self-confidence back and became more talkative. i began to talk to the people i sat beside during class and i made good friends out of them. now school is something i look forward too. i know this is a little TMI but i just wanted to tell you that you're not alone in your situation. and don't take anything that anyone says about you to heart because even the "popular" people at school have low self-confidence.

Junnii said...

Highschool is the most brutal place on Earth. Even though its contradictory, HS is also one of the best places to find life-long friends.

My point it, it gets better... after you graduate. HS may seem to be the only thing that matters right now, and upon graduation you may seem lost and scared of adult-life, but I assure you; it gets much better.

Junnii said...

And go to sleep PK!

Princess Kahara said...


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