Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Sonnet.

The school week is finally over! Thank you, long weekend!

First thing in the morning, I had English class. All of the poetry that was been writing over the last month was to be handed in. After each student stapled their works of art together, our teacher read out one poem from each package; The love sonnet. Our last assignment was to write a love poem about "them".

We all sat on the table tops of our desks.

Our teacher delivered each piece without a name, so nobody was painstakingly embarrassed, but it did feel awkward hearing my own poem. It dulled compared to the beautiful, radiant poems other students submitted. However, it was really enjoyable! While some poems were pretty, others were funny, and one in particular was plain raunchy.

After studying so many poems, it felt a lot easier to write them. My writing didn't seem so much like a pathetic collection of rhymes anymore. By no means perfect, but much improved.

I got a DS recently. It's second hand, but who cares?! It was only $55 >D
I spent $85 total, because I also had to buy R4. ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING, HERE I COME! Parents are gonna be so proud of me, literally (I'm saving money 8D )

I found myself snacking on frozen peas recently. Who knew something so simply could be so satisfying. Mom's on maternity leave, so I only eat peas when she's asleep. Perhaps she was raised this way, but she never lets me eat to many frozen/raw vegetables.

I hate shopping at The Bay (Canadian department store), but whenever I'm downtown, mom always drags me in that direction. The worst part is that the downtown location has several levels (at least 7) . . . of pure boredom. From that, I always catch myself vLogging, or snapping photos when I'm in the building. However, there isn't really anything exciting to document OTL

Have I ever officially announced it? My mom is pregnant. I honest don't remember if i ever made any post about it here on blogger. Anyhow, it's Chinese tradition to brew something called 姜醋 (literally translates to ginger vinegar) for family and friends when you're pregnant.

My mom spent her afternoon peeling pound after pound of ginger.


Recently, a fellow classmate added me on facebook. This is never an issue except I didn't even know they were my classmate until I heard their name in class the following day.

How I function: Unless my classmates talk to me (or I find them insanely attractive) I will not remember names. And without a doubt, I have NEVER spoken a word to this person.

I am not the type of person to freely accept friend requests (for privacy reasons), so I chose to ignore this person's request as I would do with any other suspicious request. This guy messages me something in Chinese. Due to my poor literary skills in Chinese, I had to run some of it through an online translator:

"I know you are a girl, that's enough

This really confused me. Not because it was in Chinese, because it didn't feel relevant. Once again, I ignored it. The following day, this person messages me AGAIN in Chinese. Online translators suck eggs, so I decided to just ask the person to say it again in English. They did, and what he had to say was . . . well, it was what it was! Apparently some guy from school (we'll call him Bob) had told him I was 恐怖/hong bo.

  1. severe
  2. terrible
  3. cruel
  4. awful
  5. serious
  6. heavy
  7. violent
  8. very bad
Does it surprise me that people feel that way about me? No. I've been told before that my first impression is very "mean girl". What surprises me is that people would bother talking about it during a situation other than me asking "What was my first impression to you?".

Hey, Bob. 我得罪过你咩?
ngor yee wai nui jai seen zi gong see fei. lum mm hay nam jai do gum bat. >__>;;

Tis all


Anonymous said...

ooo i know the teacher you're talking about. i like him so far, funny and good teacher eheh

my first impression of you is funny,blunt, kind and pretty

Princess Kahara said...

Dude! Best. English teacher. Ever. B| I don't care if I lost a dollar to him, clas is enjoyable.

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