Monday, January 31, 2011


Chinese New Year is coming up February 3rd. After doing a facetrade for my shop, I decided to loiter around the nearby Asian mall. I don't live particularly close to the area, and took advantage of the opportunity.

I took a lot of pictures on Saturday, but I had to resist blogging until after I finished my exams ;___;
They had a bunch of booths set up on the main floor. I think in Chinese, it's called 行年宵 (haang neen siu). They were selling lanterns, food, accessories, EVERYTHING! You know that wooden puzzle thing on the bottom right? I used to play with those puzzles, but I got lazy "orz

My mom was flipping through a magazine at the dining room table. She turned to page that showed graceful models strutting down the runway for Prada. I noticed that they had brightly coloured tails pinned to their waists, haha!

I stepped away from the hectic booths, and walked into Daiso. It occurred to me that most Asian families have the above ( = A = );; In my room, there are two ghetto ass stools, and two pairs of slippers.

After deciding that I REALLY didn't want to go home and study, I checked out some sections of Daiso that I don't normally visit. I ended up finding that odd double headed tooth brush... I want to buy it now "orz For the lazy bastards who are only willing to spend 40 seconds brushing their teeth.

After I left the Asian mall, I went to Oakridge. When I first stepped in, I spotted a tea bar. These things have been increasingly popular! I smell happy hipsters, and a happy dad. I like going inside of these bars just because they look so dainty :)

DID I MENTION I GOT A DS?! I'll post more pictures tomorrow. I want to edit them, so they aren't super large files~



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