Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5 (Favourite memory)

[insert picture]

I took a really long nap ;____; I'll post day 5 tomorrow . . . . this is kinda like cheating, but I just got back into school, and I want to kill myself. Sorry guys!

-lazy bum


I actually don't have a photo of a favourite memory far into my childhood (mainly because I enjoyed living the moment). However, I have a photo from my English class.

After winter break, it was clear that my English class would now be taught by a new teacher. Nobody knew what to expect, other than a young man named Mr. P. Luckily for us, he's not old and crazy. He set up an iPad and a projector in our classroom, so it kinda looks like a bloody conference room.

First thing we did in class was fill out an icebreaker sheet. The typical "What can you do, not do, good at, etc." After filling out the form, Mr. P. called on each student asking them to read several facts. However, if you say "umm" it counts to one minute of detention for the whole class. And if you aren't specific with your answer, he will pick on you.

He asked one student "What can you do?"
"Play World of Warcraft."
"What's your user?"
".... guialo"
"Okay. And what race is that?"
"...Blood elf"
"Alright! Guailo the blood elf. "

"Guailo blood elf?" You may be wondering.

If you are fortunate enough to speak Cantonese, you know that gaui lo is a very casual way of saying foreigner in Chinese. Specifically Caucasians.

Gauilo is a newb though, so he can't help you.


Anonymous said...

PK, r u ok?

Princess Kahara said...

Awe, thanks for your concern.

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