Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's funny

how we change ourselves so much without knowing it. The minor tweaks we make so that maybe, just maybe, we can catch the attention of someone we love. Play a game that we'd normally never even think of. Listen to music that we'd normally hate. Wear clothes that is nothing like our self.

It's funny how we change like the seasons with each new supposed "love". But what if it was always winter, and we never changed?

I feel like my words are hidden in permafrost. Even in this bitter cold, I hope spring never comes to take away my sweet melancholy.

If you get to know me, you'll find that you can read all of my emotions off of my face. My natural expression often looks like I'm about to cry, because I'm on the verge off bawling.

学校でいる時に私が寂しすぎる(〒 ∩ 〒);;


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