Friday, January 28, 2011

Engrish Exam

IT'S A COYOTE TAIL LOLLOLOL! There's a trend going on in Japan where girls carry around fox tails (しっぽ)as an accessory. I figured that the coyote tail would be cheaper, so I bought that instead. It's really fluffy~ A girl from school said it was kind of scary, because it was from a real animal.  Before you tree hugging bastards tell me this is wrong, I LOVE ANIMALS! I just happen to like them best hanging off of my jeans.

My hormones are raging, and as you know, I feel pretty down at the moment. During these moment of sadness, anger, whatever it may be, most people go in search of a friend for a shoulder to lean on. However, when I try and start a convo with my buddy, she just gives me the "cool story, bro". Mind you, this is over MSN, which means there may very well be no rude intentions behind the words. Regardless, she knows I'm down BECAUSE I feel like a shut out. She isn't the type of person who enjoys conversing, but those words are seriously one of the last things I want to hear. Sorry for being over sensitive, but I'm hurt. If you're busy with homework, just tell me. If you're too busy on tumblr to hear me vent, tell me. If you find me annoying, just fucking tell me, because now I just feel severely shut down. I have fewer close friends than the fingers I have on my right hand, so pick and chose the words you use. Your condescending, selfish attitude is not something I have to put up with.

ON A DIFFERENT NOTE. Check out ↓ It's a tegaki type website.
Everything is so pretty.

"Highlights" of my day
Oh lord. I didn't finish writing my English essay for the exam today ;____; Oh well. I don't really care about exams. They just seem like over hyped tests to me, which sounds like the perfect description. Crossing my fingers for a B+

Thanks to the toddler and newborn baby downstairs, I haven't been getting enough sleep. To be honest, I don't want kids when I grow up. I hardly enjoy my own company, never mind that of a child.



Anonymous said...

On math: Somebody's gotta do it. SLRs and the rest of our technology depend on somebody doing it. Those somebodies get paid relatively well, too. Some of them even enjoy what they do. This or that mathematical fact may be uninteresting and unimportant, but overall math is the great equalizer. When people see someone who looks like me or hear my name, they may assume I'm not too bright. But I can do math better than almost all of them.

Maybe you mostly blog to vent, which is fine. But you won't find much joy on the road you seem to be on. You're showing signs of depression. Your friends may not understand and might not be able to help. I suggest you find an adult that will listen and can help.

We are each unique, if not really special. For most of us it's enough to be special in the eyes of someone we care about- when that goes wrong, it hurts more than anything. A random internet voice saying it may not mean much, but you seem pretty special to me, PK. So take care of yourself!

Princess Kahara said...

Maybe you can tutor me on math, Anon! And thank you (:

Anonymous said...

Hey PK, when I stumbled on your youtube channel a few months ago I was the one feeling down and hurt. Watching your videos helped. So thank you, and you're welcome.

It's good that you have someone like your teacher. Make an appointment. If he doesn't have time, see your school counselor. Her job is hard, but if she's good at it, she'll know you are there for a good reason.

If you continue to struggle with math, a tutor is a good idea. If your school doesn't offer extra help, try contacting a local university or college. They may have tutors who work as independent contractors. They'll be starving students, cheap but more or less competent. If necessary, try more than one until you find one who works for you. If you can't find a good one, post something here and we'll do some math.

Sorry for the long comments :)

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