Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7 (I quit)// Premium Quality BJ

It was a good run B| Just kidding. This isn't a very fun thing to do . . . I feel like a lot of them are just people in your life. and I don't want people to know me through one tag thing, and I don't want readers to know that much about people in my family . . . LOL kinda private, and kinda stupid that I started . . . and even more stupid that I would rather document my life "orz
I'm thinking about bleaching my hair, and going lighter. During winter break, I considered picking up a box of Palty hair dye, which is a Japanese brand,and since it's an Asian brand, it's more suitable to Asian hair (some people claim). If you live in Canada, you can pick it up at most T&T Supermarkets/Osaka Markets, or at any local Asian malls.

I had to do a trade for my facebook shop this weekend, but I was 20 minutes early. I decided to drop by the nearby mall to kill some time.

After grabbing a milk tea boba in the freezing cold, I decided to have a second look at the hair products in Osaka Market. Palty usually sells for about $14, but it was one sale for $9.99! Thank goodness I waited. At first, I wasn't sure if all the colours of dye were on sale, because the sign was very specific about the colours juicy peach and caramel brown being on sale. Those colours were both very orange-y, and I wanted to go more ash tone.


My current hair colour I is similar to the second heart ATM. After cutting off so much of my hair, I feel like I might as well botch it now by bleaching it before I dye it before I dye it.

My skin colour seems slightly tan, so this might look really bad. Did I mention the bleach I picked up was one sale too? Also $9.99 LOLOL! VANCOUVERITES, IF YOU WANT PALTY HAIR DYE, HIT OSAKA MARKET IN RICHMOND NOOOOW ... I don't actually know if they still have the sale going on right now, but it's worth checking out right? you can always grab some yummy food nearby if the sale is over.

Speaking of sales, Oakridge is having a sidewalk sale right now. I didn't catch anything I liked though. It was either still expensive, or more suitable for my see lai mom. But if you're a honger guy and you have a honger budget, go check out J2. You will be enlightened by the variety of less American fashion...? (v x △ x)

My mom didn't have work today, which I why my ass happened to be at Oakridge. I hate shopping there, because everything feels too expensive ;___; I basically only went to Zellers, because I had to get a scientific calculator. Can you believe that I've already broke two during my high school career? I'm gonna be so poor when I have to use a graphing calculatooooor. Gonna break one every other month.

I couldn't help but wonder why the calculator I bought today cost so much more than the one I broke. Then I realised . . . the manual practically a whole cm thick. Who even reads manuals anymore. Everybody just picks shit up, and start to use it.

That's a freaking joke . . .

Zellers carries manga. WTF and it's so cheap. I didn't get
any, because I'm trying not to buy any for $5+

No shit it's premium. They probably aren't
good any other way!

Here's a picture of my face, cause I know you'll freaking love it. Could have used more photoshop. Note: does not offer premium quality BJs



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