Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow/More choices

I woke up, and stumbled over to the washroom as I do every morning. After the tedious job of brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I returned to my room where I got dressed. While listening to my favourite morning radio station.

".... snow fall outside in the lower mainland right now..."

WHAT?! It was snowing pretty hard today. How disappointing. I don't care how pretty you think this stuff is, it's the biggest pain to walk through!

Anyhow, I think I failed my math test yesterday. Let put it this way, I don't know any vocab, concepts, or what it is that this chapter covers. The only thing I know is that it's hard, and I don't want to get out of my way to study it. Normally math comes to me pretty easy, but whatever it is that I'm learning right now, just doesn't make a lick of sense. My math grades are dropping significantly; I think I'm at 68% if not lower.

What is math good for? I don't know what you want to be when you grow up, but I don't think I'll be looking at numbers too much in my future. It's a fact that very few students will actually utilise some square root bullshit where you have to substitute x with adjgkla'jgkajfklg FUUUCK. Seriously. When I sit through a year of math class, all I see is same shit, different colours. Once you get to a grade 5 level math, I think you're done.

In that retrospect, a lot of school is simply a big waste of time. A person, like myself, can use that 85 minutes worth of time to something that they are actually passionate about. Why do we have to look at numbers all day? Let's face it, most of us won't even remember 80% of the crap we learned today (unless you actually enjoy your studies).

One of my math teachers once told my class himself, "You don't actually need most of the stuff you learn in class, it's so you can learn how to comprehend".

I think there are too many required courses. I think students should have more power when in comes to choosing what courses to take. If students had the choice to pick exactly what courses they wanted to take, then maybe they would be able to get out of school faster. However, I don't know what effects this would have on high schools and the employment of teachers. It's obvious that some required courses at the moment are more popular than others. Would teachers lose their jobs from this?

Required courses allow students to have a sample of what occupation they might want to pursue in the future, but it seems somewhat unfair for those who are very decided. I suppose it good to be a "well rounded person", but think about it as a MMORPG. You want your stats to be precise so you can have the maximum power. Sure, that fireball skill can come in handy, but you're not gonna use it often if it's only lvl.1.

"It snowed" ----> "Schools need to change"

Okay. later.


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