Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 (15 facts about me)

This is a photo of me.... this caption was necessary.

I thought I would expand on the 15 facts, because it doesn't seem very fulfilling to just give 15 facts >__>
1. I often feel alone

FYI, I'm an only child. You can imagine how lonely it feels to be alone at home most of your life. Although, you might be thinking "Couldn't you just hang out with your friends." I do that, but they are not always available for a hangout at the mall. Now that I am at high school, I no longer have the close friends that I bonded so closely with from elementary. Most of my new friends share 0 common interests with me . . . from that, a lot of my lunch hour is spend TRYING to understand what the hell people are talking about, or doing homework.

2. My favourite colour is pink.
It wasn't my first favourite colour. I went through liking the colours blue, green, and red before coming to pink. The previous colours that I once liked were the colours of teams on this game show called Uh Oh. The team that won quickly became my new favourite colour. To be honest, I don't actually recall how pink came about, but it's been my favourite colour since I was eight years old

3. I just had a bag of chips, and I feel REALLY full "orz


5. I used to dream of becoming a singer. I soon realised that was some big bullshit.
Growing up, I idolized Hillary Duff like so many other girls my age at the time. From that, dreams of becoming and idol flourished in my mind. Being in the poor family that I lived in, I quickly decided that pursue a more stable occupation.

6. When I was 10, I took mental math classes. I'm still very bad at math.
I don't recall what madness came over me that caused me to agree to taking those classes, but I did. It was easily one of the biggest wastes of time I'd ever had. However, I did meet a lot of friendly people. Lucky me . . . I don't remember most of their names, nor do I have their contact info.

7. It bugs me when people don't recognize me.
It doesn't matter what city you live in. If you go around enough, you're bound to bump into people that you've been acquainted with before. Happens all the time with me, but 80% of the time, they have no recollection of who I am. Mind you, my style is always changing, so I might be hard to catch. But sometimes people don't remember me even after a long explanation of where we met, time we've spent together, etc.
Makes me feel very insignificant. LOL... Guess I didn't make an impression.

8. I love big jewelery.
I don't like small dainty things. especially when it comes to necklaces. It's nice to have a couple of those pieces at hand, but I look at accessorizing with an all or nothing approach. With that being said, I would never put on too many accessories.

9. Japanese fashion mags > Western Style mags
Japanese mags always have a more colourful and fun look, where as western mags seem like casual textbooks. Excuse me for being a child, but I NEED COLOUR IN MY BOOKS.

10. My childhood was bigger bullshit that my childhood dreams.

11. I have eczema
It's a skin condition, so I almost always have really dry skin. Don't google it if you're squeamish. Sometimes eczema can get really bad ;____; (boils, cracks, etc) Apparently tea tree oil helps.

12. Wish I could have a cup of coffee every morning
I feel really sluggish in the morning. This often leads to a low attention span, and very bad hearing. It's so bad but SO GOOD.

13. Self conscience

14. I spend a lot of money on makeup, clothes, and food.
THE LIFE OF A TEEN >D No bills to pay yet, so I spend it on everything else. Most of my paycheck probably goes straight back to the company I work for "orz I'm not very good with makeup or fashion, but it's fun to shop for, yenno? . . . ROLL ONE UP, HOMIE.

15. I almost never make my bed >___>;;
PK is a lazy girl. HURRHURR The only occassions I do make it are when I know there will be guests coming over. Even then, I only do it last minute.



fengshuicentral said...

相信自己! 加油!

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