Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Random pics

I'm going to share some random pictures to compensate for my away-ness. My goal is to blog more when I get back to school. During summer, all I want to do is enjoy the sunshine, but during the shitty Canadian whether of the school year, it's easier to do these online things.

Meet Ellie the spider

Meet Asshole McLeafblower

Asshole McLeafblower wrecked Ellie's home. Stupid Asshole McLeafblower
*shakes head in disappointment*

Attempted a morning jog. Quickly found I was dehydrated and
out of shape

I have a deep love for street signs.
steal me one. Just kidding, please don't.

It seems very commercial to have
seasonal things out 2 months early

Discovered them adding the final touches at 8 in the morning.

It matches. Discovered my love for bagels over summer. So good!



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