Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thank god I was born first

Long time no blog, eh? Before you continue reading my entry, I'd just like to remind you that I MYSELF AM A PRETTY STUCK UP PERSON. Very much a "I'mma let chu finish . . ." type of gal, but

Recently I've noticed a trend in the personalities of siblings. The younger sibling is almost always brattier and more stuck up. Of course, I don't meant that this always holds true, but it does seem to be reoccurring. After speculating this idea, I began to think about why this may be:

1. Younger sibling is being a bitch because their older sibling bullied them

That's a thing, right? Acting with a vengeance as if you were making up for something. Kind of like people who were sexually assaulted as children. They tend to be more likely to grow up as sex offenders themselves. If your older brother or sister always bullied you, maybe you would feel the need to abuse those around you, because you feel that it's normal and acceptable to inflict pain.

2. Younger sibling was always fed very strong opinions as a child

I know a lot of people who just sponge up things they are told, and stick to them. Form my perspective, this particular species of people rarely seem to form their own opinions; Sheep.
Say for example person X grows up constantly being told that . . . I don't know, "People who drink coke are disgusting pigs." These kids might grow up feeling better than anybody who drink cola. From this, you formulate a condescending bitch with a chronic bitch face.

3. You were a neglected child

Your parents didn't love you as a kid, and thus you hate everybody and everything else. Everything pisses you off. You are filled with piss. You are a jar of piss. You are piss. Nothing makes you happy. Mainstream music? Stupid! Reality TV? Go home? Follow trends? Puh-leez! Laughing? Overrated! People? Gross! Breathing? Get away from me! Life? Stop it.

4. You're a fucking hipster

You tea loving, SLR hugging, underground adoring sluts! Those are just stereotypes, but to me, "hipster" can be somewhat of an abstract idea OTL Apparently people try to be hipsters now a day, which I really don't understand. Based of the definitions that urban dictionary offers, it means your a jobless bloke who loves cheap beer. I don't know, I guess that's what kids my generation love. ANYWAYS, there's probably a greater chance of you becoming a stuck up hipster if your a younger child, because you feel the need to differentiate yourself from your older sibling.

-le pk


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