Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Breakfast

Okay, so it's not my birthday . . . yet, but I saw something pretty awesome today. I didn't bring my camera, so I couldn't take a picture. I did some google searchin', and this is what I saw today:
I saw two of those old fashioned buses in front of a Purdy's Chocolate factory. I thought It would still be there after I ate, but it was gone T_____T The colours looked really cute. All pastel and prettyful.

On Thursday, my evening was ruined by three little brown kids. No. I'm not trying to be racist. It was quite literally ruined by three little brown kids. I'll probably make a video about that during the warmer months C:

Photo does NOT belong to me: Source

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fueled on Rage

My English teacher wants to keep my poetry assignment. I'm not too fond of that idea, seeing as how I would like to keep it for wall art. The pink wall in my room are rather bare. Eight objects hang on my wall; I have four certificates, one calender, a poster (Rozen Maiden), and a smiley face thing from my b-day. It sounds like a decently long list, but it seems lacking. I'm going to tape up my other 3 certificates. I don't like having loose paper on my desk D< When your angry, you'll say and do things without thinking. We're all guilty of it. This will be insanely hypocritical of me to say, but complainers are some of the biggest . . . "unthoughtful" people. I was talking to my friend today, and she was telling me about this creep in our class who is "desperately in love" with her. I use the work creep, because this stalker claims to jack off to the thought of my buddy. My friend says that he hates him, but I get the idea that Mr. Creep's name comes up more than often in her everyday conversations (not for sure, but let's assume it does). Me: If you hate him so much, just ignore him. You're giving him your attention, which translates to GIVING HIM WHAT HE WANTS. Friend: I know! I try, but . . .UGH. Me: Just try to completely forget about this dude (even though he goes to our school). It's not going to do you any good to think about him. Don't waste time being flustered, just forget . . . "Do not despise the racketeer. Instead despise the his sport" No. That wasn't relevant. JOSEPH DUCREUX!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome back, Mr. J.

FYI, I had block rotations yesterday. I don't know if the same term is used in every school, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. Block rotations just mean that you get your classes during a different hour . . . sorta like Lord Townshed's crop rotation! YAY FOR EDUCATION :|

Lucky for me, I was walking to class with Anita. I was so close to walking to the wrong classroom. Which has happened on more than one occasion = =;; Last year, block rotations totally slipped my mind, and I stepped into my science classroom. It was insanely embarrassing!
There is a rule that I apply to life: never turn directly around in public.
Why? You're at high risk of bumping into somebody, you'll have made it obvious that you're walking in the wrong direction, and it just looks plain awkward. Now imagine being forced to do a 180° while a class of what appears to be eleventh graders and giving you the omg-she's-so-awkward look. Not fun.

To the CORRECT Classroom

So Anita guided me up stairs to S.S., and away from science. I had a test/quiz today. I thought it was rather easy, seeing as how most of the multiple choice answers were
d) all the above
As for some of the open ended questions . . . I forgot what were some of the main occupations that available to women during the industrial revolution.
textiles factories, servants/maids, and. . . . and . . . factory workers? ;___;
Cmon, 2/3 isn't THAT bad ¬ ¬"
I'm pretty confident that I didn't fail though.

She BEAT Me?
Mrs. K is gone, and Mr. Jung is back! This means I have a chance to pull up my mark to a high B, or a low A :'D THANK YOU BABY JESUS! I had a test last class, and I'm not going to lie, I didn't understand half the questions that were one it. I got that test back today . . .74% I think I got something like 48.5/65
Another girl in my class got 60/65. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but ever since the student teacher was here, it seemed as if the smart lost their heads, and the . . . not so smart developed genius minds. This girl that I speak of doesn't finish her homework assignments, and just doesn't come off to me as somebody who would achieve good grades. Then again, Ash never pays attention in class, and she gets straight As. No joke. She could be drawing a detail comic book and understand everything discussed in class . . . math class that is.


During textiles, a group of people kept gossiping about relationship, and blah blah blah. It got somewhat annoying after a while. I had this urge to scream "SHUT UP!", but I don't say that unless I know you very well, or you've pushed me over the edge.

Productive: 6/10 . . . or 3/5. Whatever suits your fancy.

For the timed laps, Allison came before me today. I just didn't feel the motivation to run past her today. Not to mention the cold weather D;

Soccer isn't very fun in my class. Everybody just crowds around the ball, and when somebody gets possession of the ball, they just kick it in any which direction. /sigh
Not fun.
I just ended up singing "Baby" with Nisha.

"Shut up"

If you didn't know, singing is a hobby of mine. Before you ask, I'm a very mediocre singer, don't expect too much out of me. (I'm mediocre at everything: Singing, Chinese, drawing, etc.)
I have a friend who seems to dislike me (actually, it's just her personality). Perhaps it's because I can't pick up her crude sense of humour, but she's becoming easy to dislike. You'd think maybe you friends would wait for you after class, but she doesn't do this. "Maybe it's because she wants to go home for lunch.", but going home for lunch never stopped my friend, Lana, from waiting for me. To be honest, I find it rude. Call me a hypocrite for saying this, but not waiting makes a person seem self centered, yenno? "My time is too important to waste on you."

As I said earlier, I enjoy singing . . . in public (It makes public speaking easier, just in case you wanted to know.) 90% of the time I start singing, she tells me "Shut up". Not only when I'm singing, but essentially whenever I open my mouth. When I first met her in elementary, she came off as a timid and ladylike (wun yew opposite of cho lo) type of girl. I talk to her in HS, and she turns out to be a foul mouth D;

I'll never tell her, or anybody else, that I don't appreciate their use of language. Let's be honest, cussing doesn't make you sound anymore smart or civil. Some people have a certain persona in swearing just looks natural, others just sound odd.

Overall, just don't swear. You don't want to make the habit of swearing like a trucker at your next interview.

← The ladylike scale. Least being on the top, and post ladylike on the bottom. :B
(Amershly ft. Buttercup)

I started on the line art for the poster project D:


Friday, April 9, 2010

My arms get cold

LALALALAL! I'm going to make up for what I didn't post yesterday.

If you didn't know, I've desperately been wanting to make an order from elf. Unfortunately, they only take instant payments (like any other company). I wanted to go down to Shoppers Drug Mart
(sp?) to get a gift card thing . . . which is like a prepaid debit. I would have bought it, but I forgot that there was a $7 activation fee >___> I wasn't willing to dish out that much money on the spot, so I went over to Safeway with A-tard. We both got two donuts, but the 'tard got lucky~ Her total rang up to $0.79.

HURR?! I guess that lady didn't see the second donut. I wasn't quite as lucky, and had to pay the whole price. Oh well, what evs :B I really wanted to eat my donut, but I had to hold the umbrella.

Me: Where are we going?
AS: My first face trade
Me: Ooh. . . what did you get?
AS: Some korean cream. Save 2 dollars.

I didn't mind waitng, because waiting undercover made for the perfect opportunity to eat my chocolate coated, sprinkled, deep fried piece of dough > < style="font-style: italic;">bad etiquette. As I lost the feeling of my right arm, Anita and I started talking about the Holocaust. I warn you now, and conversation between two idiots about history with go nowhere.

Anita: Did the Holocaust take place in Spain?
Me: What? ¬ ¬;; Didn't it mainly take place in Germany?
Anita: . . .I don't know.

This conversation took a very odd turn.

Anita: It's so stupid. Hitler kills a bunch of people, and commits suicide.
Me: Really?
Anita: Yeah. They should have chopped up his body, and fed it to the Jews. "Ooh~♪ You have Hitler's blood running through your veins~♪"
We laughed so hard after that.


It's killing me! My science grade dropped by 25%! I'm not the only one, almost everyone else from my class has come to the same fate. You may be wondering why grades in my class are dropping faster than doggy doo doo. My science class took a student teacher in.


I know that it would be unrealistic and time consuming to create a class room stimulation, but why make us students suffer? It's bad enough to have clueless substitutes on the rare occasion, but to have a student teacher for a month?! Is this a flipping joke?! I'm just sad that my science teacher didn't take any note of the fact that grades where going ↓ I don't think anybody was failing before.

I remember having a student teacher last year. I don't remember his name, but he was my social's teacher for a couple of classes. Awful. I simply can't find any other word to describe this flamboyant man. Luckily, he failed something and was kicked out. Horray!


Err . . . theatre probably won't be too happy that I post these here, but as long as the parents don't lay their eyes on these it should be fine.

This is my partner in crime. For what? Do the math.
I don't think she was too fond of taking a picture, but I need MEMORIES of this class.
I won't be going back next year. I need some more
music in my life . . . in the form of CHOIR!

People were testing out the stethoscope. I thought it was just a prop ^___^;;

Birthday Gift

Where I live, a wave of blossoms have already come
and gone. It made me sad, because blossoms are one of my favourite things during my b-day.
Most petals have already fallen off the delicate little flowers, and I
thought I wouldn't get the beautiful gift of nature.
(↓ loving new cam)
Hanging On

I totally forgot that the big poofy blossoms bloom later :B
YAY! Maybe they'll last until my BDAY! OHOHOHO!

-pk ♥


ARGH! I don't think I'll be able to blog about my day today. I'll get that done tomorrow ^___^

Just a quick update, I'm going to be making a video on public speaking. I've filmed it, I just have to edit.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Late night entries - work

They are NOT taking commissions.
The art department of my school is far too busy to create a poster for theatre company.

If you didn't know, I'm in Junior Theatre Company. Believe it or not, this mediocre actress was thrown into this class. Why? I think there weren't enough people for a full class. To put it quite simply, I'm an extra in this classroom scene. As I said, nobody is willing to do the poster. What does this innovative class do? They get the theatre kids to do it, and I was one of those kids. Although the workless block is quite enjoyable, I'd much rather feel productive. You might be wondering who my partner in crime is for the project. Well, I'll tell you; Her name is Nicole, and she's in Athena (that's basically a program that adds 10% more artistic goodess to your hardy school day). I'd tell you more, but I hear that her mother is quite paranoid when it comes to personal info and the internet.

You know what sucks? Practicing badminton with somebody who is really bad, and laughs at every mistake they make. I don't like that. I also don't like people who are very good at something, but have no personality . . . no friendly personality. Don't ask why this popped into my head, it just did.

I'd hate to be a b*itch, but I'd like to make some commentary on Nicoles working habits. Err. . . she's a free spririt? A couple classes ago, I wanted to sit down with her, and discuss what should be on the poster. Without a doubt, I want it done and over with, but not rushed; Quality work. I try to sit her down a coupld of times, but she runs off . . . playing games? I don't blame her, half he class was playing soccer. When I did get her to sit, she tells me she's bored. BORED! I realize that not everything is going to run according to plan, but she was BORED?! Bored when I asked her for ideas? ;______; I never felt so rejected in my life . . . asided from being told that McD's wasn't hiring.

I feel somewhat afraid to here what Nicole's reaction will be when she sees what I've done to the "character design".

1. I drew out a rough sketch of a body.
2. Nicole block in some clothes
3. I bring it home and clean it up . . . :D maybe a bit too much (love you, Nicole *sweat*)

Something else that just popped into my head: Fancy tools don't make for a fancy product. I was tallking to my friend, Angela. She said there was a girl in her class who was . . . cocky I'm guessing, because she had a nice camera. I'm not sure how good she was at photography, but the latest digicam will do you NO good if you don't know where to point it. It's knowledge that make these tools magic. It's 1am now. . . .

I might be half owl, or some shiz D;
hoot hoot ~ ♥

note to self: look over leadership handouts, and build on peolple skills >___>

Monday, April 5, 2010


Four whole days of school free fun, and I essentially did nothing but eat, sleep, and take dumps. I would have blogged some more, but I feel really tired, and I'm just not up for gazing into the computer while typing simultaneously. Not only that, but I feel this obligation to post up pictures along with my blog. If I don't have picture on my computer, I cannot update my blog. It seems so silly to me, because back when I was doing "ghetto" blogs on dA (or any other sites I've been on), I didn't think about the media I sandwiched into each entry. I focused a lot more on simply spilling out all of my thoughts.


What have I been doing over the long weekend? I've made pizza. My mom dropped on of them, which was far from awesome, but it was no big deal. I'm guessing the pizza wasn't close enough to the elements, because the crust didn't brown very much. Since I lost the pizza recipe I got from home ec. last year, I just googled a recipe. What I found was a recipe for a pizza crust, but no instructions as to how long I should bake it. So I went ahead and guess 450 degrees farenheight for 20 minutes. That would have been a bit too long. Later, I decided that 425 would be acceptable, and I should leave the pizza in for no longer that 15 minutes. It didn't look too golden, but it tasted like a winner.

Asides from being a female, and slaving over the oven, I went shopping with my mom . . . which still sounds very much like a female thing to do. After weeks of begging, she finally brought me to Queensborough. I love shopping there, because you can always find awesome deals. And since the season is over, the sales are everywhere. Who cares about the Aritzia sale? I'd rather hunt for deals in an outlet (I say hunt, because there aren't always deals at this mall).
About the Aritzia sale, my mom checked it out and told me that everything looked like trash. This may be due to the fact that
a) Girls and see lais have trashed the place OR
b) Everything there literaly looks like crap

EXTRA: I've been to the Aritzia sale once or twice (without knowing that I was actually at an Aritzia sale). I used to go to Chinese school around Tinseltown, which is where the sale was held during that time. My mom said there was a sale, so I thought "YES! 'SALE', MY FAVOUTIRE WORD!". Deffinately, stuff was cheap, but not rock bottom. I was NOT willing to dish out $20 for a tank top. In my life time, I've been to 3 warehouse sales, and I've hated everyone of them. Unless you're one of the first people at the sale, you will not dig it.

Whoa, I got hecka side track. At QB mall, my mom told me to buy whatever I wanted (because she only had cash on her). I decided to pass the offer, and just get the two things that I liked. I grey sweater (v-neck), and a pastel pink button-down shirt. After that, we headed over to Quicksilver. I love shopping at their outlet, because everything is SUPER CHEAP :'D Sadly, I didn't like what they had on sale; Denim. Very ugly demin. My mother and I passed on that offer and trotted over to Aldo.

Mom: We should get you some flats
Me: Why?
Mom: Well, if you ever get a job interview, you should be dressed nicely. Me: . . . sure.
I have no idea why my mom so keen on getting me shoes. She was gonna get me sandals too, but like I said, she only had cash on her (left her credit at home). I felt really guilty about my mom buying all this stuff for me. My familly isn't insanely well off, and shopping nfor nice things never feels like a necesity. When we began to head home,
my mom told me: If you weren't and only child, I wouldn't be so keen on buying you all these things. Clothes, your new camera . . . I would have to think a lot more carefully about every purchase I made.
Thanks mom. You spoil me. :B


On some other occasion, I went out for sushi with my mom and her friend, Wing.
Note: I CAN eat SALMON, but I might get really dry skin.
I ate at sushi garden. The place was CRAMMED! I'm going to guess that people eat there, because everything is so cheap. I hope they don't change their prices anytime soon. I don't think their sushi looks very nice, they aren't rolled very tightly.
I like avacado > < >ASHO & MICHLLE

I went out with Ash and her friend to that book store the LG hunter showed us. I had spent a total of 0 minutes and 0 seconds with my friends, so I thought I should do something today. Without saying, I bought nothing.

After browsing some books, Ash, Michell and I went over to DeSerres. It was cool to look at the different types of are supplies that are available. I kinda want to get one of those pencil sharpeners with a hole for sharpening the tip of the lead from your lead pencils.

Excessively retarded,