Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome back, Mr. J.

FYI, I had block rotations yesterday. I don't know if the same term is used in every school, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. Block rotations just mean that you get your classes during a different hour . . . sorta like Lord Townshed's crop rotation! YAY FOR EDUCATION :|

Lucky for me, I was walking to class with Anita. I was so close to walking to the wrong classroom. Which has happened on more than one occasion = =;; Last year, block rotations totally slipped my mind, and I stepped into my science classroom. It was insanely embarrassing!
There is a rule that I apply to life: never turn directly around in public.
Why? You're at high risk of bumping into somebody, you'll have made it obvious that you're walking in the wrong direction, and it just looks plain awkward. Now imagine being forced to do a 180° while a class of what appears to be eleventh graders and giving you the omg-she's-so-awkward look. Not fun.

To the CORRECT Classroom

So Anita guided me up stairs to S.S., and away from science. I had a test/quiz today. I thought it was rather easy, seeing as how most of the multiple choice answers were
d) all the above
As for some of the open ended questions . . . I forgot what were some of the main occupations that available to women during the industrial revolution.
textiles factories, servants/maids, and. . . . and . . . factory workers? ;___;
Cmon, 2/3 isn't THAT bad ¬ ¬"
I'm pretty confident that I didn't fail though.

She BEAT Me?
Mrs. K is gone, and Mr. Jung is back! This means I have a chance to pull up my mark to a high B, or a low A :'D THANK YOU BABY JESUS! I had a test last class, and I'm not going to lie, I didn't understand half the questions that were one it. I got that test back today . . .74% I think I got something like 48.5/65
Another girl in my class got 60/65. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but ever since the student teacher was here, it seemed as if the smart lost their heads, and the . . . not so smart developed genius minds. This girl that I speak of doesn't finish her homework assignments, and just doesn't come off to me as somebody who would achieve good grades. Then again, Ash never pays attention in class, and she gets straight As. No joke. She could be drawing a detail comic book and understand everything discussed in class . . . math class that is.


During textiles, a group of people kept gossiping about relationship, and blah blah blah. It got somewhat annoying after a while. I had this urge to scream "SHUT UP!", but I don't say that unless I know you very well, or you've pushed me over the edge.

Productive: 6/10 . . . or 3/5. Whatever suits your fancy.

For the timed laps, Allison came before me today. I just didn't feel the motivation to run past her today. Not to mention the cold weather D;

Soccer isn't very fun in my class. Everybody just crowds around the ball, and when somebody gets possession of the ball, they just kick it in any which direction. /sigh
Not fun.
I just ended up singing "Baby" with Nisha.

"Shut up"

If you didn't know, singing is a hobby of mine. Before you ask, I'm a very mediocre singer, don't expect too much out of me. (I'm mediocre at everything: Singing, Chinese, drawing, etc.)
I have a friend who seems to dislike me (actually, it's just her personality). Perhaps it's because I can't pick up her crude sense of humour, but she's becoming easy to dislike. You'd think maybe you friends would wait for you after class, but she doesn't do this. "Maybe it's because she wants to go home for lunch.", but going home for lunch never stopped my friend, Lana, from waiting for me. To be honest, I find it rude. Call me a hypocrite for saying this, but not waiting makes a person seem self centered, yenno? "My time is too important to waste on you."

As I said earlier, I enjoy singing . . . in public (It makes public speaking easier, just in case you wanted to know.) 90% of the time I start singing, she tells me "Shut up". Not only when I'm singing, but essentially whenever I open my mouth. When I first met her in elementary, she came off as a timid and ladylike (wun yew opposite of cho lo) type of girl. I talk to her in HS, and she turns out to be a foul mouth D;

I'll never tell her, or anybody else, that I don't appreciate their use of language. Let's be honest, cussing doesn't make you sound anymore smart or civil. Some people have a certain persona in swearing just looks natural, others just sound odd.

Overall, just don't swear. You don't want to make the habit of swearing like a trucker at your next interview.

← The ladylike scale. Least being on the top, and post ladylike on the bottom. :B
(Amershly ft. Buttercup)

I started on the line art for the poster project D:



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