Friday, April 9, 2010

My arms get cold

LALALALAL! I'm going to make up for what I didn't post yesterday.

If you didn't know, I've desperately been wanting to make an order from elf. Unfortunately, they only take instant payments (like any other company). I wanted to go down to Shoppers Drug Mart
(sp?) to get a gift card thing . . . which is like a prepaid debit. I would have bought it, but I forgot that there was a $7 activation fee >___> I wasn't willing to dish out that much money on the spot, so I went over to Safeway with A-tard. We both got two donuts, but the 'tard got lucky~ Her total rang up to $0.79.

HURR?! I guess that lady didn't see the second donut. I wasn't quite as lucky, and had to pay the whole price. Oh well, what evs :B I really wanted to eat my donut, but I had to hold the umbrella.

Me: Where are we going?
AS: My first face trade
Me: Ooh. . . what did you get?
AS: Some korean cream. Save 2 dollars.

I didn't mind waitng, because waiting undercover made for the perfect opportunity to eat my chocolate coated, sprinkled, deep fried piece of dough > < style="font-style: italic;">bad etiquette. As I lost the feeling of my right arm, Anita and I started talking about the Holocaust. I warn you now, and conversation between two idiots about history with go nowhere.

Anita: Did the Holocaust take place in Spain?
Me: What? ¬ ¬;; Didn't it mainly take place in Germany?
Anita: . . .I don't know.

This conversation took a very odd turn.

Anita: It's so stupid. Hitler kills a bunch of people, and commits suicide.
Me: Really?
Anita: Yeah. They should have chopped up his body, and fed it to the Jews. "Ooh~♪ You have Hitler's blood running through your veins~♪"
We laughed so hard after that.


It's killing me! My science grade dropped by 25%! I'm not the only one, almost everyone else from my class has come to the same fate. You may be wondering why grades in my class are dropping faster than doggy doo doo. My science class took a student teacher in.


I know that it would be unrealistic and time consuming to create a class room stimulation, but why make us students suffer? It's bad enough to have clueless substitutes on the rare occasion, but to have a student teacher for a month?! Is this a flipping joke?! I'm just sad that my science teacher didn't take any note of the fact that grades where going ↓ I don't think anybody was failing before.

I remember having a student teacher last year. I don't remember his name, but he was my social's teacher for a couple of classes. Awful. I simply can't find any other word to describe this flamboyant man. Luckily, he failed something and was kicked out. Horray!


Err . . . theatre probably won't be too happy that I post these here, but as long as the parents don't lay their eyes on these it should be fine.

This is my partner in crime. For what? Do the math.
I don't think she was too fond of taking a picture, but I need MEMORIES of this class.
I won't be going back next year. I need some more
music in my life . . . in the form of CHOIR!

People were testing out the stethoscope. I thought it was just a prop ^___^;;

Birthday Gift

Where I live, a wave of blossoms have already come
and gone. It made me sad, because blossoms are one of my favourite things during my b-day.
Most petals have already fallen off the delicate little flowers, and I
thought I wouldn't get the beautiful gift of nature.
(↓ loving new cam)
Hanging On

I totally forgot that the big poofy blossoms bloom later :B
YAY! Maybe they'll last until my BDAY! OHOHOHO!

-pk ♥


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