Thursday, April 8, 2010

Late night entries - work

They are NOT taking commissions.
The art department of my school is far too busy to create a poster for theatre company.

If you didn't know, I'm in Junior Theatre Company. Believe it or not, this mediocre actress was thrown into this class. Why? I think there weren't enough people for a full class. To put it quite simply, I'm an extra in this classroom scene. As I said, nobody is willing to do the poster. What does this innovative class do? They get the theatre kids to do it, and I was one of those kids. Although the workless block is quite enjoyable, I'd much rather feel productive. You might be wondering who my partner in crime is for the project. Well, I'll tell you; Her name is Nicole, and she's in Athena (that's basically a program that adds 10% more artistic goodess to your hardy school day). I'd tell you more, but I hear that her mother is quite paranoid when it comes to personal info and the internet.

You know what sucks? Practicing badminton with somebody who is really bad, and laughs at every mistake they make. I don't like that. I also don't like people who are very good at something, but have no personality . . . no friendly personality. Don't ask why this popped into my head, it just did.

I'd hate to be a b*itch, but I'd like to make some commentary on Nicoles working habits. Err. . . she's a free spririt? A couple classes ago, I wanted to sit down with her, and discuss what should be on the poster. Without a doubt, I want it done and over with, but not rushed; Quality work. I try to sit her down a coupld of times, but she runs off . . . playing games? I don't blame her, half he class was playing soccer. When I did get her to sit, she tells me she's bored. BORED! I realize that not everything is going to run according to plan, but she was BORED?! Bored when I asked her for ideas? ;______; I never felt so rejected in my life . . . asided from being told that McD's wasn't hiring.

I feel somewhat afraid to here what Nicole's reaction will be when she sees what I've done to the "character design".

1. I drew out a rough sketch of a body.
2. Nicole block in some clothes
3. I bring it home and clean it up . . . :D maybe a bit too much (love you, Nicole *sweat*)

Something else that just popped into my head: Fancy tools don't make for a fancy product. I was tallking to my friend, Angela. She said there was a girl in her class who was . . . cocky I'm guessing, because she had a nice camera. I'm not sure how good she was at photography, but the latest digicam will do you NO good if you don't know where to point it. It's knowledge that make these tools magic. It's 1am now. . . .

I might be half owl, or some shiz D;
hoot hoot ~ ♥

note to self: look over leadership handouts, and build on peolple skills >___>


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