Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fueled on Rage

My English teacher wants to keep my poetry assignment. I'm not too fond of that idea, seeing as how I would like to keep it for wall art. The pink wall in my room are rather bare. Eight objects hang on my wall; I have four certificates, one calender, a poster (Rozen Maiden), and a smiley face thing from my b-day. It sounds like a decently long list, but it seems lacking. I'm going to tape up my other 3 certificates. I don't like having loose paper on my desk D< When your angry, you'll say and do things without thinking. We're all guilty of it. This will be insanely hypocritical of me to say, but complainers are some of the biggest . . . "unthoughtful" people. I was talking to my friend today, and she was telling me about this creep in our class who is "desperately in love" with her. I use the work creep, because this stalker claims to jack off to the thought of my buddy. My friend says that he hates him, but I get the idea that Mr. Creep's name comes up more than often in her everyday conversations (not for sure, but let's assume it does). Me: If you hate him so much, just ignore him. You're giving him your attention, which translates to GIVING HIM WHAT HE WANTS. Friend: I know! I try, but . . .UGH. Me: Just try to completely forget about this dude (even though he goes to our school). It's not going to do you any good to think about him. Don't waste time being flustered, just forget . . . "Do not despise the racketeer. Instead despise the his sport" No. That wasn't relevant. JOSEPH DUCREUX!



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