Monday, April 5, 2010


Four whole days of school free fun, and I essentially did nothing but eat, sleep, and take dumps. I would have blogged some more, but I feel really tired, and I'm just not up for gazing into the computer while typing simultaneously. Not only that, but I feel this obligation to post up pictures along with my blog. If I don't have picture on my computer, I cannot update my blog. It seems so silly to me, because back when I was doing "ghetto" blogs on dA (or any other sites I've been on), I didn't think about the media I sandwiched into each entry. I focused a lot more on simply spilling out all of my thoughts.


What have I been doing over the long weekend? I've made pizza. My mom dropped on of them, which was far from awesome, but it was no big deal. I'm guessing the pizza wasn't close enough to the elements, because the crust didn't brown very much. Since I lost the pizza recipe I got from home ec. last year, I just googled a recipe. What I found was a recipe for a pizza crust, but no instructions as to how long I should bake it. So I went ahead and guess 450 degrees farenheight for 20 minutes. That would have been a bit too long. Later, I decided that 425 would be acceptable, and I should leave the pizza in for no longer that 15 minutes. It didn't look too golden, but it tasted like a winner.

Asides from being a female, and slaving over the oven, I went shopping with my mom . . . which still sounds very much like a female thing to do. After weeks of begging, she finally brought me to Queensborough. I love shopping there, because you can always find awesome deals. And since the season is over, the sales are everywhere. Who cares about the Aritzia sale? I'd rather hunt for deals in an outlet (I say hunt, because there aren't always deals at this mall).
About the Aritzia sale, my mom checked it out and told me that everything looked like trash. This may be due to the fact that
a) Girls and see lais have trashed the place OR
b) Everything there literaly looks like crap

EXTRA: I've been to the Aritzia sale once or twice (without knowing that I was actually at an Aritzia sale). I used to go to Chinese school around Tinseltown, which is where the sale was held during that time. My mom said there was a sale, so I thought "YES! 'SALE', MY FAVOUTIRE WORD!". Deffinately, stuff was cheap, but not rock bottom. I was NOT willing to dish out $20 for a tank top. In my life time, I've been to 3 warehouse sales, and I've hated everyone of them. Unless you're one of the first people at the sale, you will not dig it.

Whoa, I got hecka side track. At QB mall, my mom told me to buy whatever I wanted (because she only had cash on her). I decided to pass the offer, and just get the two things that I liked. I grey sweater (v-neck), and a pastel pink button-down shirt. After that, we headed over to Quicksilver. I love shopping at their outlet, because everything is SUPER CHEAP :'D Sadly, I didn't like what they had on sale; Denim. Very ugly demin. My mother and I passed on that offer and trotted over to Aldo.

Mom: We should get you some flats
Me: Why?
Mom: Well, if you ever get a job interview, you should be dressed nicely. Me: . . . sure.
I have no idea why my mom so keen on getting me shoes. She was gonna get me sandals too, but like I said, she only had cash on her (left her credit at home). I felt really guilty about my mom buying all this stuff for me. My familly isn't insanely well off, and shopping nfor nice things never feels like a necesity. When we began to head home,
my mom told me: If you weren't and only child, I wouldn't be so keen on buying you all these things. Clothes, your new camera . . . I would have to think a lot more carefully about every purchase I made.
Thanks mom. You spoil me. :B


On some other occasion, I went out for sushi with my mom and her friend, Wing.
Note: I CAN eat SALMON, but I might get really dry skin.
I ate at sushi garden. The place was CRAMMED! I'm going to guess that people eat there, because everything is so cheap. I hope they don't change their prices anytime soon. I don't think their sushi looks very nice, they aren't rolled very tightly.
I like avacado > < >ASHO & MICHLLE

I went out with Ash and her friend to that book store the LG hunter showed us. I had spent a total of 0 minutes and 0 seconds with my friends, so I thought I should do something today. Without saying, I bought nothing.

After browsing some books, Ash, Michell and I went over to DeSerres. It was cool to look at the different types of are supplies that are available. I kinda want to get one of those pencil sharpeners with a hole for sharpening the tip of the lead from your lead pencils.

Excessively retarded,


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