Friday, March 26, 2010

People are attracted to shiz

Not literally . . . or at least I don't hope so; Hopefully people aren't attracted to smelly turds. By 'shiz", I meant drama. Whether it be hearing about it, being part of it, or "solving the situation", you usually want a piece of it. I've personally given up on trying to pry into the minds of my friends. Maybe I'm better off not knowing every mildly intriguing detail of their life.


A couple of days ago, I found that my Genius Tablet wasn't working. After testing the pen AND the mouse, I figured that something must have been wrong. "Maybe I have to refresh my computer", but that did nothing. Later, I guessed that some files had been deleted while cleaning out a virus, but reinstalling the program did nothing.

My computer detected the tablet. So, what was the problem?

I took the mouse that came with my tablet, and teared off the battery cover. Battery acid Q___Q That's when I realized it was a battery problem. I went to a nearby mall to pick some up. MY TABLET LIVES :D

Remember that "crazy bitch" look I mention some time ago, It still haunts me at the mall T____T HELL! IT HAUNTS ME IN THE WASHROOM MIRROR. Sometimes I wish my eyes were a different shape. Not so slanty :B


FLAMING B*ITCH TITS! D: Everyone wasn't feeling well. Everyone: Ash and Sern. Buttercup doesn't count. Ash called me when I was at the mall and said that she wasn't feeling well. Mother nature brought her gift, yenno? I'm guessing that she was cramping up, or something. When I get home from the mall, I contact Serena over MSN

Me: Do you still want to go to badminton
Sern: I don't want to walk
Me: My mom said she can drive
Sern: I think I ate something wrong
Me: So . . . I'll take that as a no.

EXCUSES (this seems like an okay transition >___>;; )

I never noticed that this bugged me: Excuses. We're all guilty of using them, but I think it's time that I started using them less often. By using them, your basically say "This isn't my fault". People who use excuses often are prone to getting poor grades (or they don't reach their full potential). Last year, I absolutely hated socials. I thought that the teacher wasn't fair BLAH BLAH BLAH, but that was before realized what poor effort I had put into this class.

Random: I can't help but stare at this old battery, and expect it to explode.

Many lessons can be learned through experiences in school, but many are taught directly through teachers. The one moral that I have stapled in my head comes from my science teacher, Mr. Jung. "You can't change other people, you can only change your perspective of them". I agree with this, but I am just too darn stubborn at times.
I've learned a fair number of life lessons, but they render useless unless practiced daily.


•10:30 - Dentists appointment (so tedious to have braces)
•12:00 - Get home and eat something . . . lunch
•12:30 - go to Ash's house
•1:00 - Arrive at DPCC

I want to go to the mall after that, but I'll probably feel to tired to move T_______T That, and the mall is usually raided with teenagers on Saturdays. I don't want to be part of that anymore.


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