Monday, March 8, 2010

Late nights, no sleep

Just finished editing a video. I'll screen that in the morning, and post it up. Until then, I want to tell you all about some shoes I wanted to get. I was browsing around on the FOREVER21 website, picked out some shoes that I liked, just to find that they don't accept paypal. ;_____; I wanted to get 3 pairs of shoes! I was so bummed out when I found out they didn't take paypal! HOW COULD THEY! Paypal is YOUR pal! forever21 should consider making that form of payment available. Until they do, I'll have to walk around in my rundown boots. Someday, I will get a job! I will get paid, and buy shoes. If you're the manager at some fast food chain, please consider hiring me. I will love you long time. Not only will I love you, but I will be your BEST FRIEND :D You just can't beat that offer.

I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. ttyl.



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