Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a drag (Amershley ft. Darius?)

For the past couple of months (I think), Darius has been inviting me to go to some book store with him. I insisted that he just told me where the store was, but he refused to tell me the location. After running out of excuses to not go, I told him yes.

If you are reading this, please do not take offense. It's because you have a penor, and my mother doesn't like that.

Darius said that I could invite my friends, so I asked that Ash and Sern come along. On the way to the SkyTrain, I saw this old man running . . . very awkwardly. I know it sounds mean, but how do you NOT laugh in this type of situation?! Sern took advantage of this, and said I was an a-hole. Thanks, man >___>
We were supposed to meet at 1:30, but I'm always late. Amershley didn't get to the skytrain until 1:45. I think Darius had the impression that Ash was a boy. By Ash, I mean AshLEY


It was KILLER awkward. I spent most of my time talking to Ash, both Sern and Darius just sorta stood there . . . AWKWARDLY. It seemed like eternity before we finally arrive at our stop. After taking what seemed to be the long cut, I see the book store. An obnoxiously large sign hangs in front of the store, which reads "本"

For anybody who is local, it's around Burrard Station. I don't remember what street it's on, but the store is called "Book Off"

I'm not a book lover, so I was NOT crazy about looking around (Unlike Sern and Ash, who were already spazzing). I just hovered behind them pretending to be interesting in something, ANYTHING. While looking at the covers of some books, I noticed their rock bottom prices.

Me: $3? Are you friggin' kidding me?
Friend: Buy it.
Me: I already have that volume ;_____;
Friend: Sucks to be you >D

As usually, I left the store empty handed as my friends trotted out happily with their books.
I am your #1 window shopper :D

Darius said that we should go to Aberdeen, but that's 30-45 minutes away, and Sern had work in a couple of hours. Since Serena wanted sushi, we went to Crystal instead.

I honestly don't know why we just loitered their when we arrived. Sern said she wanted sushi, but I think her real goal was to get some 2pm album. The loitering went on for 5 minutes before
Darius said: I'll go buy sushi.
Everyone: . . . .

He goes to get food while me and Ash find a seat.

Ash: Isn't this kind of awkward.
Me: Pfft. No duh?
Ash: I wonder what is motive is.
Me: Who knows?
Ash: I mean there must be a reason as to why he invited you, right?

I'd ask him why, but he'd probably give me some half hearted, or scripted sounding answer. Something like:
• "Just to hang out."
• "I want to get to know my friends better"
• "[insert bs here]"

BAWWW. He brought the food, and we started to eat. Ash was convinced that he didn't know how to use chopsticks, because his food was MUTILATED.

As we headed for the SkyTrain to go home, Sern says that she wants boba. At this point, I'm assuming that she's trying to get rid of Darius :B

When I trip was finally over, I had a private chat with Ash. Before I tell you what she said, Ashley is not one of those typically b*tchy type girls. In fact, she's one of the most innocent people you can ever meet in your life time. She's like a child genious trapped in a teenage body.

Ash: That was awkward. If that's what a date is like, I would never want to go on one.
Me: Well, for one, you'd have 2 less people on a real date.
Ash: I thought he was very nice, but he isn't (I don't remember what word she used. gentlemanly?) enough. He was nice to buy the food, but he overlooked drinks, and didn't ask us what we would like to eat.

And that was my day.


xDivineCC said...

Ah so you were one of the 3 girls that he hung out on thursday. Eh typical darius.

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