Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey big spender

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now, so I'll try to do this quick.

As I've said before, I want a job. No McDonald's seem to be hiring, and it seems like such a hassle to apply online. I'll do it, but I wish I could just hand in my resume D: I remember Buttercup saying that he did that, but I didn't get the chance, seeing as how no branch needed extra staff. I've been blowing all my money on clothes, shoes, and other stuff.

Remember those shoes I wanted from XXI? One pair doesn't fit, and I don't know if I can return it in store. I hope I can, because I don't want to waste money shipping it back to Ontario.

NOTE TO SELF: Buy flats and heels in size 6

Purolator kinda sucks. I checked the tracking thing on their website, and it said they tried to deliver my order, buy nobody was home. 5:16? I was home . . . with my mom. I'm pretty sure one of us would of heard knocking on the door. I was home since I got back from school, and I didn't hear ANYTHING. I thought they were supposed to leave a slip/notification as to where you're supposed to pick it up, once again, nothing. I had to call in, something I hate doing. Calling a company is something I can't stand.



I seriously messed up my textiles project today. I was supposed to serge the outer leg seam, but it got caught blah blah blah. Point is, I messed it up. Because of this, I had to bring it in 1cm on each side. And yenno what? It turned out to be a good thing, because the pants had a better fit afterwards C:

Okay, so the happy dies, because I have no idea where my socials text book is! I am not paying the school $80 seeing as how I've already dished over $7 for some sheet music I "lost". UGH! This is ridiculous. I'm just so used to getting free music that's printed out on recycled paper (didn't cost me a penny). Unfortunately, that was back in elementary. Now I'm in high school, and school fees are BLARGH.

I convinced my mom to get me a camera! YAY! I can stop using my Canon MV940! . . . I'll have to wait for it to come in through the mail first D: I got the Casio Exilim EX-s12. This has tempted me to buy a new SD card, and an extra battery. Why? I'm very paranoid about now having enought memory space, or battery life. VERY essential when worling in public >___>;;

Asides from the tech stuff, I went ahead and bought a bunch of rhinestones so that I can bling out my gadgets later. This also means that super glue will be needed. If I'm lucky, It doesn't cost too much.

Okay! I spend way to much time on this.


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