Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun times with mah bbycakes

Officially one of the best days I've had all spring break! I went out to the mall with Sally! I regret one thing: I didn't bring my camera ;____; Gorsh darn it. I told myself I would carry it around everywhere.
I laid in bed until 10:am. I got ready at about 12:30pm, debating over whether I should wear skinnies or shorts. Later, I checked if Sally was online. No sign of her. We had scheduled to leave at 1:00pm, so I found it odd that she wasn't on at least an hour earlier.


The clock ticks 1, so I burst out the door, and head to the SkyTrain. Obviously, I forget a bunch of my stuff at home, and have to make a trip back. After grabbing some stuff, I speed walk to the station. When I arrive, I see Sally. She's earlier than me. SHE'S ACTUALLY EARLIER ME! I apologize as she usually does to me, and ask her when she arrived.

"Oh, I got here around 12:30pm."
Me thinking: Oh, drat. She's been waiting for 45min?
"The bus actually came earlier today."
thinking: YOU actually came earlier today :'D

We step on the train, and start chatting about school. It turns out we both hate Mandarin . . . mostly just our Mando teachers, but we were definitely sharing the rage. She totally sympathized with me, as we shared "WTF?!" looks as we talking about how messed up our Mando teachers are.
Sally: My teacher is 40+, and she keeps saying how her 6yr old child would be the same age as us if she had given birth earlier. Who cares?
Me: HAHA! Wow. So irrelevant. My Mando teacher is old enough to retire, and he keeps saying how he keeps working to share his knowledge BLA BLAH BLAH! He should at LEAST me MODEST about doing us this "favour". He's also a strong believer of "Marks are just numbers"
Sally: I hate it when teachers say marks are just numbers. Those number could be the difference between a pass and fail.


When we got the the mall, we just drifted about. After 2 hours of aimless walking, we went to Superstore. I was supposed to buy peanuts, but it totally slipped my mind when I got to the till. I ended up getting some instant noodle thing. Alfredo with broccoli? I have no idea. Here's a picture for reference. Sally paid for me :'D
YAY FOR NO NAME STUFF! It's an Asian's best friend. As we once again lost direction of where to go in the mall, Sally started talking about how she missed Olivia and Jiman.
Me: YEAH! Oh, man! Too bad we can't find them on FB. We had our differences, but I want to see them again.
SL: I still remember Olivia's phone number.
ME: Uhh . . . what was it again? (xxx)254 . . .
SL: . . . 8xx2
Me: Didn't she change her phone number?
SL: Did she? Remember how we used to have phone convos, and we'd tell each other we had friends over. We would fake different voices, and say somebody was over.
Me: PFFT! That is so embarrassing to think about.
SL: But it's fun to think about.
Me: (I begin doing some fake voice) Hi, my name is Joey.


Metro offered nothing, so we went to a nearby Asian mall.
SL: I haven't been to the mall in 2 months, but I'm still bored of it. All the clothes seem to be the same, and nothing seems special.
Me: I know right? But I guess we have to be creative with how we wear the boring clothes that stores offer.

Great minds think alike, and our feet automatically took us too the food court. Sally got herself a milk tea boba, and I got myself a California roll. The roll seemed somewhat larger that usually (so much for starving myself, eh?). I start complaining about the lighting.
Me: I wish the lighting was better.
SL: What do you expect? It's an Asian mall.
Me: True. "If I don't fix the ceiling, I'll save a whole $20!"

Stomachs full, we advance to our next stop.


We headed back to the sky train, and when to International Village for Yokoyaya. Sally wanted to get some cosmetic sponges for her concealers. Hands just didn't do the job too nicely. I got myself a concealer, mascara, and lipstick. I desperately want to try their pressed powder. CHEAP STUFF FTW!

Nature called and wanted to Sally to go to the washroom ASAP. I remember my friend, Sabiru, telling me that there was a free coffee promotion going on. Sheepishly, I stand in line, and ask for a coffee.
"One cream , two sugar."

Somewhat bitter, but it warmed up my hands

As Sally and I are about to go home, she says that it's early, and that she doesn't want to go back yet.
Me: Sure? Want to go back to metro?
SL: Okay. It's only 4:15pm.


On the trip back to the mall, I say:
Are you ever paranoid that the train might fall of the tracks?
Guy behind us: Especially when it goes around a tight corner.
SL: . . . .

I have an odd tendency of talking to strangers >___>;; and enjoying it. I wish I had said bye to that man D: Give him Buttercup's specialty "Goodbye, sir/mister."

@ ze mall

Lucky me. Guess who I see when I get at the mall? Anil's sister, "Cake-face". Before I carry on with my day, let my explain how I use the term cake face.

Cake-face: Somebody who has a face that looks obviously covered in make up. You can tell that this is not their natural skin tone, because
a) Their neck is obviously a different colour.
b) You can still see their natural skin colour under all that powder, and it's hecka lighter/darker.
I approve of heavy eye makeup for whatever reason. I just have a pet peeve against foundation that is the wrong colour.

^Pet peeve. I'll try to change it orz

Anyways, so I see her, and give her a double take. Bad idea, she looked back at me. That's the second time I've seen her over the break. She dresses like a nammer, so she kinda gives of that "crazy bitch" look (I think I do too, my friend said my first impression was: Mean xD).

SL: Next time I see her, I'll give her a weird look.
Me: It's probably bested that you don't. She'll probably ask her friends to jump you.
SL: Oh. haha!
Me: Yeah. It's kinda pathetic how they travel in groups to confront ONE or TWO people. Seriously, she came up to me one day during lunch with a group of 4 other people. She had one other person watch the stares. Crazy bitch tits over here starts asking me blah blah blah while 2 of her "gang member" are standing awkwardly in the background, not even giving my a weird look. And THIS is how her brother took things into his own hands.
SL: Wow. You don't take responsibility by asking somebody else to do stuff.

Point being: Two wrongs don't make a right.


I don't even remember what we did after that. I only remember going to Payless Shoes Store, Spring, and Mcdonalds.

We were crazy tired, so Sally sat down on one of the benches, as I tried to channel the caffeine from the coffee I had half an hour ago. I tried on the pair of shoes that I wanted again, and decided that maybe they aren't so nice. HAPPY WALLET MOMENT! Spring was practically empty, and we stood out like sore thumbs.
Me: Let's go *coughcough*

I don't know why, but I really want some new shoes. I love hanging around in this shoe store with Sally, because we both act like idiot in there. We both start trying out shoes, and making silly comments on shoes we find. While browsing, I find a shoe box with only one shoe.
Me: Hey look! One shoe! What an idiot >___> If you're going to steal one, steal two. (kidding. Please don't steal; It's not good.)
This women walked by us, as we were acting like retards, and laughed.

Sally was craving for some fries, so we got large fries! I was thirsty, so I got another coffee.
"Triple, triple please"
We ended up sitting there a little too long, because my goal was to get home before 7. The reason we got side track was because we were coming up with ideas for: You know you're asian when . . . .

At the end of our day, we told each other that we were comfortable with saying anything to one another. I wish I had more friends like Sally. It's like we share a head.
BFFs, dude!


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