Thursday, March 25, 2010


It finally came in! I just have to charge it and all that jazz.
Unfortunately, the spare battery it came with doesn't charge. Basically, it's USELESS. Not only that, but the wrist strap was missing. I contacted the seller, and their going to send them over :D I'm so impressed by this seller (From Ebay: dcempire)

Dear Buyer,

Thanks for your reply!

We are very sorry for heating the problem.

An extra OEM Battery and 2 colored Hand Strap will be arranged to you.

Also, we will arrange a LENS CLEANING PEN as a free gift to you.

You can track and trace the shipment by using the information below:

The tracking number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If there is a delay, you can also contact the Post Office for assistance.

Please give us a 5-star positive feedback.

Our auto-selling system will also give you feedback once you leave us a good feedback!

Thanks for your kind attention.

Enjoy shopping in DC Empire!

Best Regards,

DC Empire Co."

I have no idea what a lens cleaning pen is, but it sounds nifty.

Guess what else came in today.
My report card. I only got 3 As, an obvious disappointment for my mom. She doesn't even bother to acknowledge the fact that I have the top mark in my science class, not that she can read English, but everything that spews out of her mouth during report card week runs along the lines of "Only 3As? You need to try harder. You're being lazy."

Oddly, my average mark only dropped by maybe 1-2%. I thought it would be a lot lower for some reason

Term one average:


Term 2


I clearly didn't do my best this term. The only things that kept my average relatively high were:
a) Science (95%)
b) Textiles (also 95%)

BTW, I could have gotten principals list last term. I used bad fabric for text. It brought my mark down to 76%!

Guess what she called me.

I was walking home from school with my friends Anita and Vania. Suddenly, I see Anil's sister walk around the corner. I don't know why I don't remember her walking home in my direction . . . ANYWAYS, she goes all crazy bitch tits on me, faces me, and says to her friends, "Look, it's the girl who looks like a nammer." She continues walking and says, "Piece of shit".

ME? NAMMER*?! PIECE OF SHIT?! Okay, maybe, BUT WAS SHE TALKING ABOUT HERSELF?! Do not tell me that I look like a nammer when you are the EXACT image of a nammer (but not vietamese). Drives me up the wall. I know that it's bad at times to judge things based on first impression, she seems to be the type of person who tries to impress by putting others down. The type of person who walk around with their posse, and attack meek little loners by the pack.

About those people, you guys don't look that cool from the side lines. Trust me; I used to be a bully. Yes, that's what you are when you gang up on somebody, a bully. From the sidelines, you don't see one frightened person, you can see TWO. The bullied and the bully.

Bullied: Too chicken to speak up.
Bully: Too chicken to speak up by themselves.

Anybody else smell ego inflation?

*Nammer: I only have something against the really cocky and loud ones. The ones who thing they're so gangster, and can't speak without swearing.

I'm still debating over whether or not I should be surpirsed by the fact that she threw such a rude comment at me. I can almost guarantee that whenever my name comes up in one of her conversations, she (and her brother) probably throw in some comment about how I think "I'm all that.", or they say "She's a chicken shit".

Somebody clearly knows how to hold a grudge. Ever heard of forgive and forget? If not, ever heard of just forgetting? Geez. Grow up, dude! It's almost been half a year, and you're are still being rude about it. Let's all grow some imaginary balls, mkay? :D and take this situation like a man . . . a very intellectual man . . . or hermaphrodite. Yenno, whatever works. No more crazybitchtits plz

Much love


Anonymous said...

People need to grow up. No matter how old. Even me you, and that cindy person. I wouldn't care first of all to PK. Pk should've not talked about it but afterall she seems to be a brave woman not so smart in knowing whether or not to make the right decision. Seems so in real life

Cindy, you need to chillax. Although, you are wrong and right to some extent. I'm not saying PK's right but cindy girl you need to chillax a bit.

Princess Kahara said...

Still hanging on to the fact that I said that, eh? Yes, I fudged up. Let's get over it. I'd go and say whatever rude comments pop into my head, but it's rude, and shows lack of self control. I blog about things and people that irritate me; If you don't bug me, I won't blog about you. If I'm not worth your time, neither should my blog.

nina said...

aw another blog? FOR ME?! you shouldn't have. seriously, you're really pathetic. do you not go out? do you honestly come home everyday and sit on your honger ass blogging for twenty four hours? sweety, i know gossip girl was a good show, but you can't be like everything you see on tv. cindy's right, the reason for the nammer comment wasn't directed towards you because sweetheart you look like a honger fresh off the boat. what i meant by that was your last blog about me. you know.. the one where you saw my boyfriend and i at the mall and you ran home and blogged about it. you're relaly fuckign pathetic.. i mean go do something useful with your time. so when i saw that blog i was thinking two things. i was thinking i could talk to you about it liek i did before and make you take it off or i could just leave it. as we both know, i decided to leave it. why? because one of these days people like my girls and i are gonna push you to commit suicide.. and honestly as much as i think you're pathetic, no one deserves to be pushed to that point. besides, you're already pretty hated from what i hear. oh yeah, however the piece of shit comment was directed towards you. why? because i think you're a piece of shit. and don't tell me to grow up ms. i write shit on the internet. if you have a porblem then come say it straight up. don't do it behind a computer screen. you knwo what school i go to, you know who my brother is and you want my number ill pm it to you. as for us rolling aorund in a "posey" look around you honey, everyone's got theit cliques. you may not see it because no body wants to be associated with you but it's highschool, get over it. maybe if you weren't such a wannabe, i mean with you gossip girl like entries and peyton sowyer type youtube videos, people may like you. Anyway, have fun blogging about me commenting on this blog.. i look forward to reading it. Much love ;)

xDivineCC said...

lol wow ~.~ some fight here. Oh hey it's nina from choir class. is that cindy do. o.o Man i see councellors around the corner. Sorry just had to bring that up. I'm pretty sure cindy doesn't care.

~ Eric

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