Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pet Peeves/I'll take the hot one

I had leadership today, and started discussing conflict (we're going to have to finish up next class, because there wasn't enough time). One of the activities we had to do, was to write down pet peeves, and how you would react to these things/situations. There were two groups, and I felt blatantly offended whenever I over heard a pet peeve that I was guilty of doing.

One of these PP included wearing coloured cons. I occasionally where them, which still means I WEAR THEM. I don't think that there anything wrong with wearing coloured cons, but I think certain cons look odd.

Another one which I felt attacked by: Wearing lots of makeup. I wear make up almost everyday (with the exception of days when I don't leave the house). Asides from foundation, I do the whole shebang every morning. I think there's a difference between wearing lots of makeup, and wearing lots of cake-y/matte makeup. What's even worse is when you can see a whitish film on a persons' face. I would like to try wearing less makeup, but I tried one day, and I got The Comment: Your eyes look smaller.
Okay. So it wasn't said, but it was definitely implied.

Certain members also claimed to dislike people who dress up for school. This, I did not feel offended by. I don't dress up, and my closet consists of pieces from the sales bin. I would rather have people putting on a fashion show than have students dress like strippers. I cannot stand seeing girls with their stomachs exposed to the public. That look desperately screams skank. Sorry, girls. The exposed stomach look just isn't that attractive, and probably would get you the WRONG type of attention.

One of my personal pet peeves: People who whine about work that is assigned. I hope I didn't offend Tyler, because he's guilty of whining D:
I feel like these people slow the class down with all their chattering. Okay! So we have to do 50 questions! Just shut up, sit down, and get your pencil on the paper. You'd think these people would have learned by the 9258971895 time, that whining usually won't convince your teacher or boss ANYTHING. So just suck it up, Buttercup, and get to work. Am I talking about somebody in specific? Yes, but I don't think I need to put down any names for my fellow classmates to know who.


I think there should be boundaries as to how thin and how arched ones eyebrows should be. I think super thin eyebrows make people look like hookers (for the majority. Special people can pull it off . . . yet to see it.) By "super thin" I mean it looks as if they took a ball point pen, and painted it on with a SINGLE stroke. Not hot, ladies.
Even now, I still worry if my eyebrows I too thin or arched. Highly raised/arched brows aren't hot either. They make you look:
a) Angry
b) Surprised
c) like a psychopath (especially when you smile)

Men aren't the only shallow ones

I don't know where it came from, but most people say that men are the shallow ones between the two genders. I disagree. Men are the OPENLY shallow ones between the two genders. Just because humans are advanced creatures blah blah blah, it doesn't mean that we aren't still animals. Most, if not all, people will judge others based on looks; It's hardwired into our heads. Only after a pretty face will most people decide to know another person better in order to pursue a relationship. It seems rather scripted to hear people say that they want personality over good looks. Let's be honest, how likely are you to have interest in someones personality with nothing to judge upon? Not likely at all. I guess we just assume nice face = nice personality, eh?

This fueled the last little section.

much love


Anonymous said...

You very smart gurl. :D keep up da guud work

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