Sunday, April 24, 2011

I want to go blonde

My hair is ORANGE GRRR. Here's a super attractive picture of my from my recent field trip. The reason why I look constipated is because we were told to pretend to act like the people from the olden days. They would carry shit that weighed up to 200lbs of luggage for long distances.
See that? Single handed heavy weight carrying!


Okay. It was just foam covered in fabric, but it looked heavy.

Alrighty, back to the topic of my hair, because I know that everybody wants to know so much more about it (sarcasm). Although it may the the worse decision of my life, I want to go blonde. I just finished googling "blonde Asians", and I discovered that a majority of people believe that Asians CANNOT pull off blonde hair. ARU?! Oh, girl, I cry cry. Doesn't matter, I'm a badass as seen above, so I'm going to try dying it blonde tomorrow. After that, I'll go dark brown, because I'm kinda sick of dealing with roots, so I'll probably go back to growing out my natural hair.

I'm not gonna go platinum blonde. Just a medium ash blonde colour, because I'm not that fair. You can kinda see me actually skin colour in my banner.

My grandparents came over today and bought me an ice cream cake. I was still half asleep, but it made me happy :) Sadly, it was some weird strawberry cheesecake flavour, and it tasted like cough medicine T___T But it was nice!


(I'll report on whether or not I dye my hair soon)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Somebody requested an outfit of the day VIDEO, but it's really hard for me to find a way to take a video of myself without looking alike a dumbass in public, so here's a picture instead. That pic isn't even from today OTL It's from the weekend!

For anybody who wondered how I dress, I'm a value shopper. I don't like buying really expensive items, mainly because I can't really afford to splurge. Most of the clothing items I purchase are under $30 I'd rather experiment with a vast selection of clothing rather than playing it safe with a stupidly expensive hoodie.

Err. . . Really tired, and still feeling sick. I woke up this morning coughing, so that wasn't a good sign. Anyhow, hopefully I'll be able to get a little bit of rest over the long weekend (:


Monday, April 18, 2011

Sun Run

Ello ello. Sorry, I'm not feeling 100% right now, because I caught a cold a few days ago. I try to update more often as soon as I feel better OTL Until then, here are the only pics I took during the Sun Run. For all of my readers who are not local, it's an annual 10k charity run. I don't don't know what all of the money goes to, so don't ask please!

I tried to run the whole thing, and it took me 1:09 =Д= I was sick, so I think I did alright with my condition. Gotta say, I felt great afterwards while I was double fisting the free food at the end. Unfortunately, I got home and felt like somebody double fisted me in the face.

Needless to say, it was an enjoyable event. Being a terrible at all sports, running is sorta my refuge when it comes to PE. (still a shitty runner though OTL)

I'll try to edit all of the videos I took during the course of my internet absence? LOL

Pictures refuse to be uploaded = =

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm not going to the baby shower...

My mom told me this morning that the baby shower is gonna be tonight. The thing is, I have work tonight. According to her, she told me that the dinner would be on a weekend. WHAT FUCKING WEEKEND?! Now she expects me to instantly book today off like I own the place. I god. She keeps telling me "I told you that it would be today"

She clearly didn't tell me when I had both ears open, because I have no recollection of the event. Not even the slightest memory regarding her information!

Fuck this shit. They can go stuff their faces on their own.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Insidious Cherry Blossoms

Holy Buddha, I look so LG. I am LG cry.
My hair grew out a few inches, so now it's in that
awkward stage where it's short and has no shape.
Oh, girl. I cry cry. I knew this would happen, because I'm a strong
believer that the middle section is always the worst.
Her are some examples of bad middle things:


Yesterday, I went to watch Insidious with a few of my class mates.
To be quite honest, I rarely ever go to movie theatres, so I had no idea
where we would be watching the movie. My friends and I viewed the movie
at 1:50 on a Friday afternoon, so the theatre was relatively empty. For those of you who don't know, I love watching horrors. I'm not some
big tough guy who isn't afraid of horror films, but they fear I get is just so amusing!
I spent 20% of time time hiding behind my jacket, because
some ugly old woman popped up on the screen.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Add me on facebook, decline me f2f?

For those of you who don't remember, my mom just had a baby girl. A lot of people have come over to visit her, and since today was the weekend, a hoard of see lais came to visit my home ridden mother. I was busy at my part time job today, so I didn't know anybody was at home until I arrived to see THE HOARD.... okay, I'll be honest, it was only a couple of see lais. Anyhow, one of the see lais had came over with her daughter (who's name shall remain anon). From experience, I know that sitting around with a bunch of chatty middle aged women is not fun, so I asked if she wanted to go on the computer or something.

"No, it's okay."

I don't know if she was trying to be polite, or if she was genuinely fine with just sitting there, but she turned down my offer twice! According to my mom, everybody had been there for at least 4 hours. If I were her, I would be bored out of my freaking mind.

So far, two of my mom's friends have come over with their daughters, and both of which really like babies. I personally do not like kids. I do not ask for siblings, I do not enjoy babysitting, and I'm not particularly fond on the idea of having my own kids. Some people you meet just naturally exude the feeling of being motherly, I am not one of those people.

The girl who came over hardly spoke a word to me, she just added me on Facebook. I'm starting to agree with my friend, Ash. She told me that Facebook is a a scary thing. You can just add somebody and immediately find out what school they go to, how old they are, where they are employed, see personal photos, and for some iPhone users, even where they are.