Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Somebody requested an outfit of the day VIDEO, but it's really hard for me to find a way to take a video of myself without looking alike a dumbass in public, so here's a picture instead. That pic isn't even from today OTL It's from the weekend!

For anybody who wondered how I dress, I'm a value shopper. I don't like buying really expensive items, mainly because I can't really afford to splurge. Most of the clothing items I purchase are under $30 I'd rather experiment with a vast selection of clothing rather than playing it safe with a stupidly expensive hoodie.

Err. . . Really tired, and still feeling sick. I woke up this morning coughing, so that wasn't a good sign. Anyhow, hopefully I'll be able to get a little bit of rest over the long weekend (:



Ally Gong said...

I love your fashion sense! :)

Princess Kahara said...

Thanks, Ally ^^

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