Monday, April 18, 2011

Sun Run

Ello ello. Sorry, I'm not feeling 100% right now, because I caught a cold a few days ago. I try to update more often as soon as I feel better OTL Until then, here are the only pics I took during the Sun Run. For all of my readers who are not local, it's an annual 10k charity run. I don't don't know what all of the money goes to, so don't ask please!

I tried to run the whole thing, and it took me 1:09 =Д= I was sick, so I think I did alright with my condition. Gotta say, I felt great afterwards while I was double fisting the free food at the end. Unfortunately, I got home and felt like somebody double fisted me in the face.

Needless to say, it was an enjoyable event. Being a terrible at all sports, running is sorta my refuge when it comes to PE. (still a shitty runner though OTL)

I'll try to edit all of the videos I took during the course of my internet absence? LOL

Pictures refuse to be uploaded = =


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