Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Missing Link

As a follow up to yesterdays post, I got the boot from Link Crew.  I was going to participate in this program where seniors "help" freshmen, but I missed this training session yesterday because I was caught up at work.  Today, I rushed my ass home from work, then to the community centre only to be told the word "No"

You see, I asked if there was any way I could possibly make up missing training.  Low and behold, I missed one of the key training sessions = =  Thanks email.  THEMAIL  JKS, FUCK YOU EMAIL  FUCK YOU IN THE ASS.

After doing a half assed job of trying to convince the teachers to keep me in, I just took their answer up the ass and left somewhat teary eyed.  It made sense to me that they wouldn't want me in.  If I can't manage myself to be at the training sessions now, what would it be like to have me be in link crew in the future?

While I was at  work today, I asked one of my coworkers if she wanted to switch with me (she was off at 1pm).

"Sorry, but we all have to make sacrifices!"

I suppose we do -  A  - //

While walking home in all my rejected glory, I tried to justify what just happened.

  1. First, I tried to convince myself that they would be losing a wonderful asset *hair flip* 
  2. I reminded myself of how much I utterly detested link crew as a freshman, because it forced to to get up early in the morning when every other student was allowed to sleep in. 
  3. Recollected memories of how commercial all of the link leaders were, and from this it dawned on me that I might just be a little bit too bitchy to be fit for the role of a leader. 
  4. there was a time when I once believed that link crew was a waste of time, and had few long term     benefits for students.  
  5. The only true bonding experience derived from LC were from kids sharing a mutual dislike for GETTING UP EARLY.
  6. Falsely advertise what to expect in high school.

Yeah . . .  Pretty upset, but I'm done raging.  Okay, HOPE LC PEOPLE DON'T FUCKING HATE ME :)


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