Thursday, September 29, 2011

The sex is great!

What up my ponies. Today felt like a busy day . . . or rather a disappointing day QAQ In math class, the teacher did a homework check, and I NEVER DO MY BLOODY HOMEWORK!! UGH. So sad, but nothing I can do about it now. I'm probably getting a failing grade in math right now. I just don't feel like giving school 100% right now, which is outrageously odd. Normally, during this time of the year, I like to pretend that I'm capable of getting super good grades, and I suck up to all of my teachers. I just don't have that drive right now, and I feel so exhausted. C'mon! I'm procrastinating right now = =  Overall, I just feel really disappointed in myself, because I am capable of getting As, but it's a matter of whether or not I can get my shit together in time.  I also bombed a quiz in socials.  Fuck, I honestly don't know what I'm doing right now, because I'm better than this!  I'M GETTING BACK INTO MY DARK AGES!!!!!  C'MON, GIRL!!  FUCK SLEEP, STUDY, AND MAKE UP FOR IT WITH CAFFEINE >: (  Don't tell me this is bad for my health, I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

Luckily, I'm happy with the people I hang out with at school, but the real thing that's getting to me at this time of my life is school work.  The amount I am given should be manageable, but I can't stay organized for shit.

Now that I'm done complaining about my stupid problems!  There's this boy in my math class who says he wants to blaze (aka smoke marijuana for you anti-slang folk).  I didn't hear his entire story, but the quick summary went along the lines of "I'm not happy with my life, it sucks!".  Obviously, I tried explaining that drugs were a bad way of coping with unhappiness, but he said he still wants to.  UGH, BOTHERS ME SO MUCH!! As if that wasn't enough, one of the school's many druggies says

"Do you have $5?"

It's just my luck that she was sitting next to me.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the girl.  What bothered me was the simple fact that she was getting in the way of my agenda.  I did not want to have another person in my life turn to drugs.  She debated that it's not technically addicting, so it's not hardly as bad as tobacco.  True, however, if you're depressed, you'll most likely be trying to seeks some sense of pleasure/happiness from marijuana.  I've never done marijuana in my life, but I would imagine that you would need more and more skunk to achieve that high.  Gradually, a person could spend exponential amounts of money on trying to feel good.  Goddamn, it's like paying for masturbation. Jizzing in your pants will not solve your real life problems, so go deal AND GET REAL AHHAHAHAHAHAHA rhymes - U -

But seriously, if you are doing drugs, smoking, or alcohol.  Do some self reflecting.  Is there something troubling in your life?  What is it?  Are you trying to avoid problems though these things?  Like any drugs, they're only temporary.  I was taking anti inflammatory for my eczema, but I just flared up after I finished taking my pills.  Getting your head up in the clouds won't make anything change, so just try to find some type of resolve.

On another note, I completely forgot that I had signed up for career prep.  This is a program where high school students are given the opportunity to do a job shadow, and to learn more about occupations they wish to achieve.  This program requires full commitment, so I’m slightly worried about scheduling.  Besides school, and managing my Facebook shop, I have a part time job.   Clearly, I’m going to have to change my availability again T___T It’s definitely a good opportunity to find out if I’m actually going in the right path.  Recently, I’ve been questioning myself, and I’ve been wondering what I really want to do with my future.  Without saying, my mother truly wants me to be in the medical field.  Yenno, typical Asian parents say that you must be a doctor! 

About the assembly that was held for career prep.  Everybody who went there had to sign in on, what, eight sheets of paper.  This was not an organized event.  Coming from one of the least organized people you will ever meet, that’s saying a lot. 

Envision this:

Over 200 students drag their bodies into the dreary grey cavern they call the auditorium.  More than half of these tired faced teens have no idea what is going on, and just join the crowd they see forming at the ledge of the tiny stage.  Through word of mouth, it becomes clear that everybody is to sign in  by finding their name on one of the few sheets strew across the stage.  The sheets were all organized based of different sections that students applied for (e.g health and human resources). The location of each category was left ambiguous, it meant students had to carefully scan each paper for their name. 

Let me make this clear, the ledge is a measly 6-8m in length, and there are 200+ flustered teens who can‘t find their bloody name.  This surely isn’t a new program!  Did it never dawn on the staff that it might be more efficient to come up with a new method of getting students to sign in?  Good lord, that was a mess.

Much more organized was this crew meeting I attended for my part time job ^.  I got paid for watching a powerpoint presentation, so it's all good B)  They were giving out door prizes at the end.  One of my coworkers won the grand prize, an iPad!  Boy, was a jealous.  But then I realized that it would suck to have an iPad without wifi QQ I wasn't that bummed out though.  Since he was my coworker, I was winning vicariously through him OTL  Obviously, with my shitty luck, I DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING : D  Oh well, it would have been nice, but my heart will go on.  The atmosphere was like a rally, the set up was like a school assembly.  There was a movie at the end, but I didn't stick around to watch it.  I figured it was late, and I best get going.  I ended up tagging along with one of my female coworkers.  She was debating whether she should go home and get her homework done, or go to this guys house and boomchickawowow.  According to her, the sex is great.  I don't know the difference between good sex and bad sex, BECAUSE I'LL NEVER GET LAID, but that's how I spend my day.  I spent nearly an hour typing up this baby.  g'night.  Need to do work!

-PK RUV U LOL oh god.


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