Saturday, October 1, 2011

99 problems and a bitch ain't one

Don't ask about the title, it was legit the fist that that popped into my head.
I should probably go to bed right about now, but I thought it might be nice of be to type
a blog entry (:

Today was a relatively boring day, much like any other.
I totally bombed the math quiz I got this morning, and you know what?
I knew how to do everything, but I read the question wrong! Don't you hate
when that happens?  Somehow, I was stupid enough to read 7 as 40.
This time, I've managed to impress myself with this blunder!
On top of that, I got brief detention, because I wasn't paying
attention in class.  This year has started off with a hell.
It is usually pretty easy for me to pay attention, but
my attention span has shrunk in recent months. = =

ANYHOW, marketing has proven to be one of my most enjoyed courses.
This is namely because I love listening to my teachers views on
things!  Many of the opinions she share are similar, if not identical, to my own.
Apart from my love for her spontaneous rants, it's super interesting to hear facts about
the physiological aspect of marketing. 

That's one of my favourite videos that I've found on the topic of marketing.

I have an assignment that I have to finish by next day.  I'm supposed to
design an ad to sell an imaginary product, but I don't really know what to call
my product!  The idea is a light compensating lamp LOL!  I stole the idea
from the new Samsung Galaxy phone.  I heard on the radio that the screen would
not be battery draining, because it would adjust in brightness according to external brightness.

That is NOT my assignment, I was just bored, and though I would practice my photoshop
skills.  It was interesting, because I only used two layers =3=

The funny thing is, this other guy in my class said he picked the idea first - -
Now hear this, I clearly remember saying it first, but I didn't make a big deal out of it,
because I managed to propose it first anyways!
Fist come, first serve, my lovelies.

After class, I went to grab some ketchup in the cafeteria, when I suddenly heard
a familiar voice.  Why, it was le Sern!  I thought she wouldn't come visit me at school
today, because she was sick.

(.... wtf.  I was drinking water, and the cup totally missed my mouth OTL)

I was ecstatic to see her though.  It felt like ages since I last saw her.
That's not right, I saw her yesterday, but I don't believe we have spoken in a long while.
You know what's bizarre?  I label the girl as a best friend, and yet
she's the one friend who I always censor myself in front of... It kinda pissesme off,
because I don't know why.   It would piss me off even more if she was reading this
I hope you're not reading this LOLOLOLL

Dear creeper in my web design class, please refrain from doing THAT again!
I'm flattered that you would say hi, but stay out of my folder, yeah?


Angry bird cakes at T&T!  I took a pic, and the lady said
no pics = = free advertisement, people!
why would you say no pics?!

H&M opening in metrotown October 13th at noon!
Here's the progress thus far!


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