Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We're looking at a crescendo and a decrescendo in the quality of my school photos.  I hate my school photo this year so much.  I was actually quite happy with my one from last year, because I caked on the make up LOLOLOL.  My hair looked like crap... why is spell check underlining looked >___>;;
I tried curling it, but then it looked bad, and I did a bunch of other stuff. .  . it looked like crap, end of story.  My skin also looks a lot more tan, and I don't like tan skin.  GRR!  I'll try and convince myself to like it, but as of now, I don't find it very attractive.  I just hope I don't look super ugly for grad photos, and all that jazz.  Who am kidding, we all know I'm gonna eff it up orz

There's this year, and last year.  Poor lighting, but that's OKAY, RIGHT?!  Can you see all the wrong in my hair?  LOL

Here's a vLog I have on LIMITED, because I want to treat
my blog readers to a "special vid".  
It'll be the lost episode.  I keep scratching my elbow in the video (gross, I know).
Only afterwards did it occur to me that it may look as if I were doing something else.

There's a video of my little all you can eat adventure.  It was very painful T___T

But it was super fun at the same time.  
For anybody who is thinking about going to
all you can eat at Fish on Rice, it's really limiting.  I understand that they need to make money
by applying caps, but you get max 6 pieces of sashimi per person = = They only give you 2 hours to eat
and when it came time for placing our last order, I felt super pressed
for time, and I order a million of everything!  It pissed me off so badly when he said
"This is your last order."

(= A =  *)  You wanna die.  I will cut you.
It was all good fun though.

I'm thinking of taking social studies online.  I'm not learning in my current class.
To be completely honest, I hate that class the most!  It's full off trivial knowledge that
I don't feel will be useful to me int he future.  Politics are very boring to me >__>
Quite simply can't find it in me to enjoy talking about old white guys
and the whole shebang about how we shouldn't trust them lalalalalalalaa

I know I should vote when I'm legal, but sitting in a classroom trying to hammer this information into my head is impossible!

That's all!  Thanks, bye


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