Sunday, October 9, 2011


My buddy Tina recently told me to watch some Running Man.  It's this Korean variety show . . .

[iSUBS & DBSKnights]RM27 (1/4) by isubs

From what I understand, it's really popular, but I haven't started watching any of it yet.  Looks funny though, so I'll be spending my potential study time on this.

I've been feeling very weak recently.  This is most likely due to the fact that I quit taking P.E. this year at school.  I hate running laps, so I jumped at the chance of dropping the course.  Excuse me for being immodest, but I was pretty good in PE >)   All at the same time, I really lacked direction . . . ANY OLD HOW, my muscles are deteriorating, so that's fun. 

Any tumblr users?  I don't use it seeing as how I have a wonderful home here on blogger, but I clearly remember seeing this one picture on tumblr that said "If you like someone for more that 4 months, you are already in love."
This came up when I was having a conversation on the phone with my good friend . . .  who lives five houses away from my own (Like dropping P.E. wasn't bad enough, won't even walk over to friends house to have a chat!).  We grazed over the legitimacy of that statement.  How would you know if you were in love?

I think I'm just infatuated, which is why I feel so stupid.

I can't think in a streamline fashion, so I'm just gonna stop HAHHAHA


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