Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shanghai Romance

Shanghai Romance by Orange Carmel
I was just thinking that this songs sounds very Japanese.  I know it's Korean, but the way it's produced, doesn't it sound like Jpop?  Damn koreans and their catchy music >__>

And PAPRIKA, that's a sissy ass spice.  It seriously has no taste. . .  at least not much of one.

Oh my gah, this guy is so cuuuuuuute  I was looking at cover versions of Sistar 19's Ma Boy, and I found this video of a guy in the related vids.  Hardly any guys do covers of Korean songs, so I went ahead and clicked on it.  Man, I felt like I was watching porn, because he was topless in low light >___>;;;  I was so afraid that my mom might look over my should, and think that I'm watching something dirty.  Watch, and you'll know what I mean.  HE HAS SUCH NICE SKIN, SO JELLY.

I don't know if he's straight though . . . all my dreams are deaaaaaaaaad,  OR ARE THEY HAHAHAHAHAH.  If any of my friends are reading this, yenno what I mean. you know duh, you know duh!

Alright, I need to go study some socials bull crap.

'cause, yenno, hippies love that shit.


Unknown said...

LOL that last video got me. Just couldn't watch.
You need to make more videos yourself!

Princess Kahara said...

I don't blame you HAHAHA! Half naked man in dim light; Not something you want to be caught watching.
School is KILLING me, I don't have time right now for vids on my main channel, but I'll try to film a quick update video some time soon.

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