Friday, October 14, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

TO KNOW THE UNKNOWN!  Remember that song?  It was in one of them Pokemon movies... I remember recording it on VHS, but I don't even know if I have it anymore O3O;; 

Sorry, that just totally popped into my head.  On the topic of the unexpected, I stood around my usual group of friends today when I noticed Jerome stood with us as well.  He normally doesn't, but he began to explain, "If you're wondering why I'm standing here today, it's because I'm the third wheel over there."
I peer over in the direction that Jerome points to, and see a couple hugging and kissing.  After hysterically laughing at him for being a third wheel, I stop to do a double take....


That was my honest reaction to what I saw.  I had no intentions of being rude, but I thought they were quite the unlikely couple . . . at least, that was my take on things.  I'm not surprised that the girl is in the relationship.  I'll put it nicely, and say she's very open minded when it comes to men.  The boy, however, I would never expect him to have a girlfriend in high school.  He's not ugly, rude, or stupid.  The boy is just very quiet, and I couldn't imagine him having any interest in getting a date.  Yenno?  The kinda guy who might put his future ahead of having a fun relationship.

Asides from that, I had school lunch twice this week, and it didn't taste like crap!  Kudos to the kitchen team at school.  The lasagna was not just noodles this time o U o)b  Please season your Shepard pie a little bit more though. . . more fat or something.  The potatoes in it are so bland T____T

I remember asking if I could have the piece of lasagna that was further in, because it looked less dishevelled, but the guy said noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.  WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!  GORDON RAMSEY?  THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT QQ SMDSMDSMDSMDSMD  HHAHAHAHA jks.  What do you expect when the service costs $0 OAO;;

Anyhow, thanks for the flavourful lasagna.  Thasagna.

Tis all for now
- Passive Aggressive Asshole TUT


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