Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Downtown Vancouver - A stroll around the city

Robson and Granville

I had some errands to run, so I found myself wandering around Downtown Vancouver on
a gorgeous sunny day :)  My favourite part about the summer season - blue skies.

Do you do that?  Just wander around the city.  There's something so
exciting about finding small "gems" throughout the city.
Interesting architecture, charming city people, and unexplored food journeys.
It's a damn shame, but I haven't been doing much photography recently.
I admit that I'm mediocre at best, but there's something so pleasing about snapping photos.

Inside Waterfront Station

Waiting for somebody at Waterfront Station.
Can I we just take a moment to appreciate how damn wide
the lens on the Canon Powershot S110 is?

I lurv it

JJ Bean Coffee

I walked passed this coffee shop that had grass on the roof.
Does that make the roof rot?  I don't know :p  
I don't fix that stuff for a living.
Either way, it still looked pretty rad.

At McDonald's

I thought I would try to brainstorm some video ideas with a cup of cheap joe.
Did it work? Absolutely not.  I was completely distracted by EVERYTHING :D

I know.  Mucho productive.

 There was a small green bug on my bag.  I liked the contrast.
It's very BAM.  Look at me.  I'm a bug.
Yenno whatI mean?  .... ok, pro

These. Mother. Fuckers.
They were everywhere, outside of the resteraunt.
Kept distracting my from my work.

Tis all


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fast Food Problems (2) Free Coffee Week - Kahara Thursdays Ep.5

Free coffee shifts always seem to pass by so slowly.  All day long, people are hounding my ass, asking where their coffee is.


 What I want to say -

What I actually say:  Sorry, just hang on a moment ... 

It's JUST coffee.

 It's as though some customer have an agenda to fulfill:
 Be as bat shit crazy as possible in public.

During break time -

But when I finally get off work -


And, that my friends, is free coffee week in a nut shell.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Rogue Kitchen & Wetbar

I went to Rogue for my friends birthday.
She insisted that I get a drink with her for her b-day
Note:  I do NOT usually drink 
(nor do I do drugs.  People usually ask me)

Why the hell would somebody name a beverage "Cougar Juice"
that's disgusting

so, I drank it LOL

I shared food with my bestie

 The food was way overpriced for my Chinese cheapo standards

 My friend ordered the burger, and I got the
lobster mac and cheese

 $18 for mac and cheese :'(
I cri evrytiem

The mandatory group photo

We headed over to a karaoke place afterwards,
and then we went for drinks at McDonald's.
We played 
That "Dirty" (Blank)ing Card Game
the best game ever, if you have the same humor as a 13 year old

Got back home at 2am, and woke up late orz
Happy Birthday, girl

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Indirect Answers:Just tell me "Yes" or "No"

Holy crap.  Why is it so hard for some people to simply answer 
"Yes" or "No"

Fundamentally, it seems like one of the easiest types of question to answer.
Literally, only a once syllable response!
How do so many people fuck it up?!

When people start explaining themselves rather than telling me their answer,
I feel like the duration of my  
life is being depleted
on some 
bullshit, insignificant, irrelevant answer.

Maybe that sounds a bit extreme.
But, if I wanted to hear your elaborate excuse of an explaination,
I would have asked for it :/

I shouldn't have to prompt somebody to
respond to me with either "yes" or "no",
but maybe that's the only way to get a direct response GAAAH ;____;



Saturday, June 7, 2014

Penis Tomato

I'm gonna start actually making this more of a 
daily blog.  I'm not going to school during summer,
so what the fuck else am I gonna do :(


In case the penis tomato struck your curiosity, here is a picture :B

I also got a new compact camera.
The Canon S110 in white.
Ideally, I would have gotten this in black, but w/e


I haven't actually tested out taking any pictures with it yet,
but it takes great camwhore shots ✌️

Also, the continuous autofocus on video function on
this small beauty is a beast.  Really appreciate the continuous autofocus
and the low light ability on my new compact cam.

I know the S130 is out, but I don't want to waste all my bank T____T

Random findings around town

 Just. Look.
His hat is freaking massive!

I was speed walking home on a rainy day (no umbrella, of course), and caught sight of this gentleman
in his ridiculously large hat.

Looks dumb, but in that moment, I wanted it :(

 On a less rainy day, I was biking around and accidentally took these snaps.
 I have an increased appreciation for the blue sky
after experiencing the horror that was Beijing.

Beijing air = Lung cancer

That, kids, is science. 

And a random snap of a old lookin' red car.

Ok, bye.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why do people have kids?

I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.
I don't want them.


I find it so strange that some people would VOLUNTARILY submit 
themselves to the horrors of child birth. 

AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING! As if having your lady bits stretched out wasn't enough, then follows the endless nights without sleep.
The crying, the shitting, the agony. 

I don't care how cute babies look when they're in neutral.
Once the motors start churning tears out, I'm out.

Absolutely can't stand the sound of babies crying.
It literally gives me an anxiety rash.
I sit there in frustration unable to shut of the source of the heinous sound

"Oh, come on!  You were a baby once, too."
Might be what some of you are thinking now.

And you would be right.  HOWEVER, that was not by choice,
and it does not make me hate babies/kids any less.

Some people also argue that 
kids an take care of their parents when they are seniors.

Screw. That.

Plan A:
When I'm old and decrepit, and unable to take care of myself,
I'll just move to somewhere that support euthanasia, and be like
"Bye mothafuckas"

I don't want anybody helping me wipe my ass.

"Maybe it's just financial support"

Please see Plan A B|

Kids?  I don't need none of that!
